March 7th
The High Point Garden Club met on March 7th at
the home of Mrs E. T. Harmon at ten o'clock A.M. The
President Mrs. A. E. Tate Presided.
The meeting opened with the Roll Call to which
twenty six members responded. Mrs W. H. Ragan was a
most welcome guest of the Club.
The minutes of the February meeting were read
and approved. The Secretary read the minutes of the
Garden Club Council meeting of February in which there
were several items for consideration. The Club voted
to subscribe five dollars for the purpose of building
a fence along the Southn Side of the Junior HIgh School
A letter was read from Mrs S. L. Alderman in
which she accepted the Club's invitation to resume
her membership in the High Point Garden Club. The
members expressed great satisfaction at having Mrs
Alderman as a member again.
The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of
$14.75. She also reported that all dues for the
current year had not been paid.
The matter of Junior Garden Club work was
discussed and the President Mrs stated that she
would represent the club at a meeting of the Council
and the Parent Teachers to make plans for this owrk.
A Spring Flower show was discussed at length
and it was voted to pledge the support of the High
Point Garden Club for a flower show to be given by
the Clubs represented in the Garden Club Council.
Mrs Tate displayed a very ingenius box for
the use of garden growers. This little box of useful
facts and suggestions is put out by the Vigero People
Mrs Taylor asked the members to be prepared
to take active part in a round table discussion of
garden pests at the next meeting.
The meeting was turned over to Mrs Siceloff
the program chairman who distributed beautiful book-
lets of the poems handed in by the members as being
the favorite of each member. Every booklet bears
an individual design of iris handpainted by our
beloved member Mrs W. B. McEwen. The hearts of the
members were touched with deep gratitude at this
evidence of Mrs McEwen's devotion to the Club and
each felt that here was a token that would find a
special place among her sacred treasurers. The program
committee was given a rising vote of thanks for their
zeal in carrying out this delightful project.
Mrs Siceloff presented Mrs Wingate Andrews
who in her charming manner read each poem represented
in the booklet. It was an altogether enjoyable occassion.
At the close of the meeting Miss Effie Cox
graciously offered to give her booklet to the Public
Library, which the members thought was a most un-
selfish thing for her to do. Her offer was accepted
with regret.
Mrs A. E. Tate President
Mary Drew Dalton Secretary
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