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February 7th

The High Point Garden Club met at the home of Mrs C. F.
Tomlinson on February 7th at ten o'clock A. M. The President
Mrs. A. E. Tate presided.

The meeting opened with the Roll Call to which nineteen
members responded. The Secretary read the minutes of both the
December and the January meetings. These were approved.

Mrs Tate gave a report of the program made in keeping
the streets clean. She also brought up the matter of beauti-
fication of the city lot. This matter was discussed at length
with some members pleading for an open lot for public gatherings.
The motion was finally made that the matter be tabled for the
present. This was duly seconded and carried.

A letter was read from Mrs Sadberry regarding gardens
wich could be opened for public inspection. There were none
offered in this club but the President stated that High Point
would be represented by several gardens of other Clubs in the

An announcement of a Judges School to be held in
Charlottesville Va, was made.

The Sec. read a letter of resignation from Mrs W. E.
Herndon. This was accepted with regret and it was decided to
invite Mrs Herndon to become an Honorary Member.

The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $13.50.
This reprot was placed on file.

Mrs Tate suggested that Mrs S. L. Alderman be invited
to resume her membership in the club as associate member.
This was accepted by acclaim and the corresponding Sec. was
directed to write Mrs Alderman to that effect.

Mrs Taylor reported that Mrs. R. S. Lafferty had
agreed to take charge of the Junior Garden Club work proveded
each club appoint one member to assist her. The President
asked Mrs Taylor to meet with the Garden Club Council to dis-
cuss this matter.

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