High Point Garden Club Minutes, 1932-1939 (3 of 13)



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December 6th.

The High Point Garden Club me on December 6th at the home of Mrs W. F. Clayton with the President Mrs Tate presiding.

The meeting opened with the roll call by the Secretary to which twenty one members responded. The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.

Mrs. SH. Tomlinson reported that the book by Dr Wells would be received about December tenth and that she would immediately make delivery of same to members. She told of the splendid review given to the book in Garden Gossip and of a letter that she had received from Mrs Walker in which much praise was given the North Carolina Garden Club for their part in the publication. Mrs Walker stated in this letter that she felt that not only North Carolina but the entire South must claim this fine contribution to Sothern Horticulture. Mrs Tomlinson further stated that she still had one hundred of the autographed copies available.

Mrs Tate reported that the matter of cleaning up the unsightly spots in the city had been taken up at the joint meeting of the City Manager and representatives from the different Garden Clubs of the cith. The heads of the sanitary departments of the city also attended. Mr Knox requested that the carelessness of the garbage drivers be taken up directly with him and stated that much of the necessary cleaning would have to be done on Sunday morning if the ladies would not object to Sunday labor. He told that the stores giving curb service had pledged themselves to keep the streets in front of their stores clean and that he would like for anyone to report to him when this was not done.

Mrs Armentrout reported that she had two shrubs donated for the Y.W.C.A planting. After a discussion of this matter several ladies offered plants and the club voted to allow Mrs Armentrout the sum of ten dollars to be used in this work.

The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $27.00.

A letter was read from Miss Cantrell, Chrmn of Junior Garden Club Work in which she asked that the Club take up the matter of Junior Garden Work in High Point. Mrs Taylor suggested that this was a matter for the Federated Clubs and offered the name of Mrs Lafferty for consideration in this matter. The members agreed and the letter was tabled to be handed to Mrs. Lafferty later.

Mrs Clayton introduced the quesiton of beautifying the city lot next to the Baptist Church. Mrs Kirkman stated that since this was the only space available for the public meetings the matter had best be referred to the City Council. It was decided to write a letter to the Council asking them to take up the matter of beautifying this lot.

Mrs S. H. Tomlinson asked if the members would like to renew their subscriptions to Garden Gossip. After much discussion it was decided that 25 cents per member be taken from the treasury and each member pay the remaining 25 cents in order that the club might have this valuable magazine for another year.

Mrs Henry White gave a further report of the meeting held with the City Manager in regard to cleaning the city streets.

The meeting was turned over to Mrs Steele and Mrs King who had charge of the program.

Mrs Steele gave a very graphic and practical description of her green house. She showed so much real joy and pleasure in her possession that she made all her hearers wish that they too might own one. At the conclusion of her talk she offered lilly of the valley bulbs to any of the members who might want them.

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December 6th

Mrs King then gave a most instructive and inspiring talk on her plan of gardening. Mrs King is a real dirt gardener with years of experience and she made each of her hearers wish for better and more beautiful gardens. She made them see a garden as not only a place to grow flowers in but a place in which to cultivate more beautiful lives.

Mrs Tate reminded the members of their poems to be handed in in the Spring, after which the meeting adjourned

Mrs A. E. Tate President Mary Drew Dalton Secretary

January 2nd 1933

The High Point Garden Club met on January 2nd at ten o'clock A. M. in the home of Mrs J. E. Kirkman. At this time the Club had as their honor guests Mr and Mrs W. L. Brewer of Reids ille N. C. About Fifty people were present composed of the members and their invited guests.

Mr Brewer gave a most informal and interesting talk on Familiar birds. Hen displayed numerous attractive bird houses which he designed himself.

After the lecture a luncheon was given at the Country Club at which about twenty members participated. All voted the occasion a most enjoyable one.

Mrs A. E. Tate President Mary Drew Dalton Secretary

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February 7th

The High Point Garden Club met at the home of Mrs C. F. Tomlinson on February 7th at ten o'clock A. M. The President Mrs. A. E. Tate presided.

The meeting opened with the Roll Call to which nineteen members responded. The Secretary read the minutes of both the December and the January meetings. These were approved.

Mrs Tate gave a report of the program made in keeping the streets clean. She also brought up the matter of beautification of the city lot. This matter was discussed at length with some members pleading for an open lot for public gatherings. The motion was finally made that the matter be tabled for the present. This was duly seconded and carried.

A letter was read from Mrs Sadberry regarding gardens wich could be opened for public inspection. There were none offered in this club but the President stated that High Point would be represented by several gardens of other Clubs in the city.

An announcement of a Judges School to be held in Charlottesville Va, was made.

The Sec. read a letter of resignation from Mrs W. E. Herndon. This was accepted with regret and it was decided to invite Mrs Herndon to become an Honorary Member.

The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $13.50. This reprot was placed on file.

Mrs Tate suggested that Mrs S. L. Alderman be invited to resume her membership in the club as associate member. This was accepted by acclaim and the corresponding Sec. was directed to write Mrs Alderman to that effect.

Mrs Taylor reported that Mrs. R. S. Lafferty had agreed to take charge of the Junior Garden Club work proveded each club appoint one member to assist her. The President asked Mrs Taylor to meet with the Garden Club Council to discuss this matter.

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March 7th

The High Point Garden Club met on March 7th at the home of Mrs E. T. Harmon at ten o'clock A.M. The President Mrs. A. E. Tate Presided.

The meeting opened with the Roll Call to which twenty six members responded. Mrs W. H. Ragan was a most welcome guest of the Club.

The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved. The Secretary read the minutes of the Garden Club Council meeting of February in which there were several items for consideration. The Club voted to subscribe five dollars for the purpose of building a fence along the Southn Side of the Junior HIgh School grounds.

A letter was read from Mrs S. L. Alderman in which she accepted the Club's invitation to resume her membership in the High Point Garden Club. The members expressed great satisfaction at having Mrs Alderman as a member again.

The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $14.75. She also reported that all dues for the current year had not been paid.

The matter of Junior Garden Club work was discussed and the President Mrs stated that she would represent the club at a meeting of the Council and the Parent Teachers to make plans for this owrk.

A Spring Flower show was discussed at length and it was voted to pledge the support of the High Point Garden Club for a flower show to be given by the Clubs represented in the Garden Club Council.

Mrs Tate displayed a very ingenius box for the use of garden growers. This little box of useful facts and suggestions is put out by the Vigero People

Mrs Taylor asked the members to be prepared to take active part in a round table discussion of garden pests at the next meeting.

The meeting was turned over to Mrs Siceloff the program chairman who distributed beautiful booklets of the poems handed in by the members as being the favorite of each member. Every booklet bears an individual design of iris handpainted by our beloved member Mrs W. B. McEwen. The hearts of the members were touched with deep gratitude at this evidence of Mrs McEwen's devotion to the Club and each felt that here was a token that would find a special place among her sacred treasurers. The program committee was given a rising vote of thanks for their zeal in carrying out this delightful project.

Mrs Siceloff presented Mrs Wingate Andrews who in her charming manner read each poem represented in the booklet. It was an altogether enjoyable occassion.

At the close of the meeting Miss Effie Cox graciously offered to give her booklet to the Public Library, which the members thought was a most unselfish thing for her to do. Her offer was accepted with regret.

Mrs A. E. Tate President Mary Drew Dalton Secretary

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April 4th.

The High Point Garden Club met on April 4th with Mrs Joseph D. Cox at 10 o'clock with the President Mrs Tate presiding. Twenty six members responded to the Roll Call. The Sec. read the minutes of the March meeting which were approved as read.

Mrs H. A. White reported on plans made for the coming Flower show to be held in May. Mrs Bruce Craven will assume charge as general chairman of the Show on a 25 cent basis of the proceeds. General satisfaction was expressed that so competent a person as Mrs Craven would manage the Show. Mrs White solicited the full support of all members in the undertaking. She announced that there would be no display of gardens nor would there be any prizes other than ribbons given. This would put the show on a basis of real love of flowers. The club accepted Mrs White's report with thanks and pledged whole hearted support in the Flower Show.

Mrs Clayton the Treasurer reported a balance on hand April 1st of $19.09. This report was placed on file

Mrs White reported that the Council had decided to proceed with the Junior Garden Club work thru the Parent Teacher Organization.

Mrs White further reported that the proposed fence for the Junior High School was most necessary and that all the Garden Clubs represented in the Council had pledged five dollars to this cause.

Mrs Tate asked the Club to elect a nominating committee to prepare a slate of the Officers for the coming year. Those elected were Mrs W. C. Jones chairman, Mrs Ralph Parker and Mrs Steve Clark.

Mrs Tate asked that a letter of sympathy be written for the Club to Mrs J. E. Kirkman by the Corresponding Secretary Mrs Joseph D. Cox.

The Secretary read a detailed report of the work done on the High Point College Campus. Mrs White told of the labor and of the many donation from individuals. The Club accepted the report and expressed pleasure at the gratifying results accomplished.

The meeting was then turned over to the program chairman who presented Mrs F. R. Taylor as the leader. Mrs Taylor had for her subject "Garden Pests" and deminstrated to her hearers that she was familiar with most of the pests that attack our gardens. Many questions were asked in a round table discussion and much valuable information exchanged.

Last edit 2 months ago by mvmueller
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