#2 January 12th 1932
and his rose lecture for the present. It was
also stated that the letter regarding Christmas
greens was published in the local paper.
Mrs. S. H. Tomlinson brought up the
very important matter of a selection of
the date for the coming State meeting.
The President promised that this would
be attended to immediately. The last
week in April seemed to gain most favor
with those present.
The meeting was then turned over
to Mrs. V. A. J. Idol who had as her subject
"Plants & Herbs Used for Different Purposes."
Mrs. Idol developed her subject in
a most entertaining and instructive manner.
She convinced her hearers that flowers have
many utilarian uses outside of their beautiful
shapes and colors. Many familiar plants
herbs and flowers being used for the
relief of various diseases. She quoted from a
sixteenth century "Household Guide" to show
how the lasses of 1585 used fennel to make
their [figures sway?].
A general discussion followed Mrs. Idol's
paper in which members exchanged knowledge of herbs.
Mrs. Alice White Pres.
Mary Drew L. Dalton Sec.
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