High Point Garden Club Minutes, 1924-1927 (4 of 9)





the Treasurer directed to pay the bills for the yearbooks. These programs were distributed and very favorably received.

Mrs. S. H. Tomlinson read an excellent paper on "Shrubs for Picture, Screen & Shelter". A general discussion followed and many valuable suggestions were given in regard to soil & fertilizers from experience.

Adjourned to meet with Mrs. J. D. Cox. Mrs. A. E. Tate, Pres. Mrs. H. A. White, Sec.


The Garden Club met Jan. 26 at the home of Mrs. J. D. Cox.

The Roll call showed 19 present.

Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

A letter was read from

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Mr. Carter Dalton in reply to an letter to the City Council asking for action in regard to the Chicken Nuisance, giving the laws existing on the matter. This correspondence was turned over to Mrs. W. C. Jones who was asked to have the law published in the daily paper and any comments that seemed desireable. [inserted: to use as Editor saw fit]

Treasurer reported $76.87 in hand with all bills paid.

The Minutes of the Garden Club of North Carolina were read after the program.

Voted that all papers be typed in duplicate - the original to be filed with our Custodian Mrs. C. E. Siceloff and the other given to Mrs. R. B. Terry to have printed in The Enterprise.

Voted that members suggest more names as candi-

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dates to fill the one vacancy in our roll and that those be added to the waiting list. The Executive Com. was directed to consider these names and make recommendations before the next meeting.

Subject of Dr. Pearson's lecture was again brought up but voted to drop the matter.

The matter of a show, a plant exchange or some such scheme was discussed and the following committee was appointed to suggest plans: Mrs. J. D. Cox, Mrs. V.A.J. Idol, Mrs. King & Mrs. Terry.

The program consisted of a very interesting & illuminating paper on Rock Gardens by Mrs. J. D. Cox and one by Mrs. W. B. McEwen on Berries & Grasses to Carry Garden Cheer into Winter Days. In the absence of Mrs. McEwen this

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was read by the secretary.

Adjourned to meet with Mrs. V. A. J. Idol.

Mrs. A. E. Tate Pres. Mrs. H. A. White Sec.


The Executive Com. met at 9:50, Feb. 9 at the home of Mrs V. A. J. Idol.

Decided to present to the Club the following names - with the understanding that the one receiving the highest number of votes be elected to fill the one vacancy; Mrs. Chas. Coble, Mrs. J. M. S. Salsbury, Mrs. Chas. Perry, Mrs. Albion Millis & Mrs. W. C. Beavans.

Voted also to recommend the election of Mrs. E. P. Wharton of Greensboro as an Associate Member.


Mrs S. H. Tomlinson Acting Pres. Mrs H. A. White Sec.

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High Point Garden Club met at 10 A.M. Feb. 9 at the home of Mrs. V.A. J. Idol.

The roll call showed 18 members present.

Minutes of last meeting were read and with one correction adopted.

Mrs. Jones reported having in- terviewed the Editor of the Enterprise and having left with him the correspondence relative to the chicken nuisance for him to use at his discretion.

Committee on a Flower Show has been unable to meet.

The Executive Committee presented five names to be voted on to elect a member to fill the vacancy. The result of the balloting elected Mrs. Chas. Coble as a member of the Club.

The recommendation of the Ex. Com. that Mrs. E. P. Wharton of Greensboro be elected an

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