April 1882. Page 5 (seq. 8)


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Judy Warnement at Feb 08, 2023 12:35 AM

April 1882. Page 5 (seq. 8)

which surrounds the flower
and leaf stalks. I cut
some sections of root stock
and also unrolled some of the
convolute leaves which
are of a very delicate yellow
and I shall press them and
try to keep their color.
This P.M. I went down
to the swamp just beyond
the cemetary and dug up
60 sprouting seeds of the
Symplocarpus, not one
of which had more than
one plumule, so I imagine
they ae not easy to
find. I am pressing a
number of the young shoots
and some sections of the
seed. I shall also keep

some whole seeds. I
have put in press some
Corylus americana with
male and female flowers
which I picked on the
cross road between the Bucks
and the Marlboro road.
Apr. 14th — Southboro —
This morning I visited my
Equisetum but it is not far
enough advanced to gather. I
picked some Juniper {Juniperus} communis
at the foot of Chestnut Hill.
The ♂ & ♀ {male & female} of the Alnus are out
and the ♂ {male} catkins of Comptonia
aspleniifolia are developing.
I also saw on a sunny bank
some Chelidonium majus quite
well advanced. A few warm
days will change the face

April 1882. Page 5 (seq. 8)

which surrounds the flower
and leaf stalks. I cut
some sections of root stock
and also unrolled some of the
convolute leaves which
are of a very delicate yellow
and I shall press them and
try to keep their color.
This P.M. I went down
to the swamp just beyond
the cemebary and dug up
60 sprouting seeds of the
Symplocarpus, not one
of which had more than
one plumule, so I imagine
they ae not easy to
find. I am pressing a
number of the young shoots
and some sections of the
seed. I shall also keep

some whole seeds. I
have put in press some
Corylus Americana, with
male and female flowers
which I picked on the
cross road between the Bucks
and the Marlboro road.
Apr. 14th ——— Southboro -
This morning I visited my
Equisetum but it is not far
enough advanced to gather. I
picked some Juniper communis
at the foot of Chestnut Hill.
The ♂ & ♀ of the Alnus are out
and the ♂ catkins of Comptonia
asplenifolia are devleoping.
I alos saw on a sunny bank
some Chelidonium majus quite
well advanced. A few warm
days will change the face