(seq. 9)




Status: Indexed

orthority to be served on & after the 3 1/2 - 5 years. A
total of 13 1/2 - 21 years. I immediately appealed to
the appclit court. Several months went by &
I finaly went before the appclit court. A few
weeks latter I received notice from the court
that they could do nothing for me. I lost all
hope then & didn't care much about anything
until today when I was discussing my sentence
with another inmate who has found you to be
one of the few people that take on an itnerest
in people that are destitude or in other ways
unable to help themselves. It is too bad that people
like yourself are so few & far between. Perhaps
your close relationship with inmates of prisons
has given you the insight that all judges should
have before being given the task of determining a
man or woman stay in prisons. Surely if some
was understood about how prisons can change a
persons life, the judge would indeed hesitate in
handing down some of the severe sentances he

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