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Himself, seeketh and intermedieth with all wisdom: a fool has no delight in understanding. &c: So yt[that] you see it is naturall The ology that men should be industrious in naturall phylosophy.
though many cant fully know what God has done,
yet it is his duty to think theron.
besides ye[the] will of God, ye[the] need and convenience of man may stir us up hereto, for whatsoever is our raiment, meats, and medicine hath its ground in Naturall Phylosophy, or knowledge, so much as we can get thereof. it would be convenient to ha ve knowledge that is good herein for husbandry & houshold affairs: but ye[the] Physitian had need be very expert, a man of great industry, and sharp observation, and of a Judicious composure of mind to make solid inferences from well observed experiments; men of Esculapian Genius, and not ye[the] dull-heads of ye[the] universities, who are of too loose inclinati ons to be lifted up among ye[the] clergie.
all men had need of Physicks but Physitians
should be herein not fidlers but Musitians.
this I thought good to promise, yt[that] you should ot be dis-hea rtned when you meet with diversities of opinions in our foll owing discourse. and because ye[the] former Phylosophers had their method more Systematically, yh[with] ye[the] latter, I have therefore chosen their method and noted ye[the] others matter by ye[the] way in those places where I observe a discrepance.
Chap: 1:
Of Physicks or Natural Phylosophy in Generall.
of Physicks in generall note its definition and division. 1 Definition, Physics is a science of naturall body as naturall: in this observe ye[the] Genus and Difference. {:face. 1 Genus, Science; having all it's requisites as is shown in ye[the] pro 2 riall (body); formall as naturall; materially naturall body may be the object of Severall arts, and Sciences. as of Mathematicks, as measurable: Opticks, as visible:
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4 Natural Phylosphy chap. 2nd
Medicine as healable &c:
but formally as naturall is ye[the] [?] [?] object of Physicks only by naturall is meant only having matter and form conjoined and diverse affections, accidents or [??ties] consequent there upon yt[that] conjunction; as is afterwards more fully shown.
2 Division of Physicks into 2 parts
{General & Special
1 the General part of physicks treats of natural body in generall with its generall principles. and affections.
2 the speciall part is of ye[the] several species thereof distinc tly considered, either distributively or collectively.
1 distributively, or separate, and so naturall body is either {Simple as Elements of which other bodies are made ---------{or ---------{mixt {Imperfectly as meteours. {Stones -----------------{perfectly---{Inanimate, as {Mettalls ---------------------------------{----------------------{Mineralls ---------------------------------{animate {Insensible, as Plant. -----------------------------------------------{sensible, as Animal {Medicine, Opticks, Metaphysicks all} ------{Irrratio: Brute: {of bodies treat, Physicks as Naturals}-------{Ratio: man:
2 Collectively or joined into one mass, and so naturall bo dies considered are called world or universe.
[Bodies into their several kinds disperse,} {or else collect and call it universe.}
chap: 2:
of ye[the] Generall part of Physicks
In this is considered 3 things, ye[the] object, its principles, & affections.
1 the object of subject handled (natural body in generall) as is is proscinded from all its species by precisive abstraction, and considered not as any particular body, but only in the generall as it is contra-distinct to spirit; in the division
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Of Substance body hath matter; Spirit hath none.
{Body in generall prescinds from all} {The species yt[that] under it do fall.}
2 The principles on which naturall body dos depend as a thing principled (in taking beginning by, for, from, out of ym[them]) are of 2 sorts, Externall, and Internall.
1 Externall are those by and for which (not out of which) naturall body is made, and these are ye[the] two Externall causes Efficient and End.
1 Efficient whose definition in generall of in Metaphysicks is treated ^of but as applyed to naturall things it is defined by Ar istotle, yt[that] principle by which mutation is made att first really.
2 The End ye[the] principle for which (or for whose sake) a thing is; this is first intentionally as ye[the] other is really for ye[the] End dos first move ye[the] Efficient to act.
{External principles are what do make} {the efficient; ye[the] end is for whose sake}
2 Internall principles defined by Aristotle, those yt[that] are not made up one of another nor of any other thing, as Physicall components, but out of them are all things either as compon ents or terms. Components matter and form; Term privation.
1 Privation (physicall) is an absesce of some form to be introduced ye[the] words (to be introduced) make it differ from Privation Logicall which is ye[the] absence of any form whereof ye[the] nature is capable without respect to its future introduction. thus ye[the] blindness of a Dog before ye[the] ninth day is a physicall privation, because yt[that] sight will naturally come in its time; but if ye[the] Dog be made afterwards fully blind ye[the] same numericall sight cannot be re called, or become future, and therefore it is a Logicall privation. so absence of Life in an Embrio (or yet Imperfect Animal) is pr ivation physical; but in a carcase it is Logicall; hence that common saying, from privation (Physical) to habit is progress; from privation (Logicall) to habit is not regress: Therefore Lazarus and Bartimeus had not ye[the] same numeri call life and sight restored to ym[them], but a new created by ye[the] power of christ and bestowed upon ym[them]
{Physicall privation notes futurity} {but Logical still ye[the] same deny,.}
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6 Naturall Phylosophy chap. 2:nd
This Physical privation is ye[the] principle of Generation only & not of ye[the] thing generated. of ye[the] generation, because it is in ye[the] Definition thereof ; for generation is a change from privation (as not being) to be ing ; not of ye[the] thing generated, but by accident; for it is of too mean a nature as a privative to produce a positive being : and therefore some allow it to be only a condition (without which a thing cannot be) and not a principle att all. Such a condition indeed it is ; for a th ing cannot be made, but out of or from (as a Term) that which it is or hath not: so ye[the] Prolifick seed must first be void of ye[the] soul be fore yt[that] by ye[the] union of ye[the] soul there to it be generated, or become an Animall.
{not of ye[the] thing generated privation} {is principle, but of ye[the] generation}
2 Form is a substantiall (or rather Essentiall) principle of natur all body, which by active union with ye[the] matter doth constitute it some species of bodies. so ye[the] rationall soul (ye[the] form of man) united actively with ye[the] humane body (ye[the] matter of man) doth constitute in ye[the] species of man distict from other Animalls ; therefore the soul separated is not man ; nor ye[the] body after Death (for it is then but a carcase) but only when they are in Essentiall union ; as is before Death, and after ye[the] Resurrection.
N: note, ye[the] word (form) is used very Equivocally; in Logick it is ta ken for any positive accident, that [inhares?] in a subject; and so it is opposed to Logicall privation (ye[the] absence of any positive form i.e. Acci dent) so also it is used in ye[the] ante-pradicamental denominations, & concrete words where we find a form (i.e. an accident) denomina ting and thus analogically it is applyed to things of art, Speech, morall actions &c: whence ye[the] distinction of materiall, and formall (as you see in ye[the] use of Logick) is said properly to belong to Body, but by analogy, (proportion or similitude) it is applyed to concrete Accidents ; especially in artificialls, in objects, in Terms of ye[the] first and second notions.
But here in Physicks it is taken only for ye[the] cheif Essentiall part that gives specifically being to a naturall body ; and therefore also it is called substantiall form, to distinguish it from all accid ents which are said to be consequentiall and secondary to ye[the] form, and many of ym[them] arise from it, as others do follow and arise from the matter. 'tis not indeed a substance, nor diectly in ye[the] first predicament, because it is an incomplete being in yt[that] it is but a part: yet' 'tis said to be substantiall, because 'tis an Essen tiall part of a true substance, namely Body.
But latter men Do think the Essentiall form of most things
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to be made up on an aggregation of accidents, and therefore do not allow ye[the] term (Substantiall) to any form but ye[the] Soul of man. see Mr Boyles treatise of Essentiall forms: this form is a principle of constitution only to ye[the] naturall Body, whereof it is an Intern all constituent part, not of ye[the] Generation, whereof 'tis a consequent.
{Essentiall form is but Constituent} {of Body: Generation's consequent.}
'Tis twofold, Materiall & Immateriall.
1 Materiall is yt[that] wch[which] is materially deduced from ye[the] power of matt er, yt[that] is not made out of matter, because 'tis a principle; but depen ding thereon as to being, first production and after conservation. so ye[the] forms of bruits, and Inanimates are said to depend on matter: for if they are separated from their bodies (or matter) they cease to exist or be. whereas ye[the] form of man (his Soul being a Spirit) dos exist in a state of Separation. this is pointed at (Gen: 27.) man became a living soul. while other souls are perishing and dying: the forms of bruits (they say) when separated are not wholly anni hilated; but reduced into the power of matter: this Eduction, & Red uction is explained by a simile of soft wax, which has actually but one figure (say round). but it has in it potentially all figures; (as square, long &c:) now if you press ye[the] round ball into a square, you ed uce ye[the] square figure out of ye[the] power (or capacity) of ye[the] wax, but at ye[the] same time and by ye[the] same art, you reduce ye[the] round figure into the power of the matter; from whence you may educe it again at your pleasure, by rolling the square into a ball.
{Materiall forms on matter do depend} {and into matters power, reduc'd; have end}
2 Immateriall form is yt[that] wch[which] dos not at all depend on matter, but only as to ye[the] act of informing; for as to ye[the] act of being it can and dos subsist without it and separate from it; because it is a Spirit creat ed with some relation to matter whereby it differs from an Angel: but as to being, without dependence thereon. This is ye[the] noble soul of man, of which Somewhat before, and more hereafter in proper place.
3Matter is a substantiall principle of naturall Bodies constitu ting it by passive union with ye[the] form. or as some it is a principle out of which naturall bodies are made and into which at last they are resolved, it self still remaining ye[the] same under all changes. so ye[the] same particle of matter may pass under diverse forms in dive rse bodies and yet never be destroyed, or lost; as in a man, Earth; grass, beasts, and man again (as to alimentary parts) & so on, through