(seq. 25)




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[Upper left hand corner] chap 4th [Upper right hand corner] 17

Naturall Phylosophy

Wherein all things return where they were (you and I were
ye Last revolution here in this place talking of these lame things;
when we yn Dyed we drank of Lethe, and so forgot all things as
if we had never been) and thus according to Aristotles eternall
world) it will be again in ye next revolution He: above this gre:
:at 8th sphere of fixed stars, they have their christallines to
solve some approaches of ye zodicack and beyond all them is their
first mover (or primum mobile) which without regard or conf:
:ormity to ye other great periods) whirls at no intelligible rate
quite about its vast circle in ye small time of 24 hours and
this from East to West by a violent (yet perpetuall) motion,
carries with it all ye Inferioun and inclosed orbs, (though it hath
no hooks to fasten on their smooth and hard [sioes?] quite con:
:trary to their natural inclination. and all these incredibles of
ye primum mobile are only to solve ye Diurnall motion, y
rising and setting of ye stars and planets which we dayly seen;
this is ye ole system.

2 The Latter Hypothesis is by Nicholas Copernicus about 15'0
years since, taken from some old hints of Pythagoras, and the
manifest absurdities discovered in ye Ptolomaick Hypothesis was
thus proposed:
Suppose ye sun in ye center of ye universe not moving from
it's place, but turning swiftly in it about it's own axis, to spring
or whirl abroad (Like a womans mop) it's rays of heat and Light
in ye world. ye planets he supposed to be solid, concrete ([?] perh:
:aps habitable) globes. ye Earth he accounted among their numb:
:er (by ye name of Proserpina) all these recieve ye light of ye sun
for their own use, and reflect it (as so many moons) from one to
another, ye next to ye sun was Mercury, who went about he
not in a solid sphere, But free space (As ye Birds in ye air, or fis:
:hes in ye sea) and ye same is said of all ye vest. ye next about
Mercury was ye circle of Venus, these two being near the sun
reflect his light most vividly to us, and their circles being least
they finish their course in ye shortest periods. about these ye
next in ye Earth, and ye Moon, which goes round about it; as [?]
men holding hands may dance ye one about ye other, ye one be:
:ing as it were ye center of ye others motion. ye Earth and the
Moon with it (at due distance) goes round ye sun in yt Line,
which was before supposed to be ye suns annuall march, anf
by its rolling round its own axis in a tolerable swiftness, once
in 24 hours all ye Difficulty about ye dayle motionof ye He:
:avens is easily solved, and the primum mobile with its vio:
:Lent whirl is Discharged:

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