(seq. 24)
[Upper left hand corner] 16 [upper right hand corner] chap.4th
Naturall Phylosophy
the [ye] form perhaps not much unlike. ye affection [aseri]
bed unto ye Heavens were formerly greatest tenuityand sub
tility, round figure, with virtue and action upon inferiour bodies,
promoted by their motion; of all which some are now found to be
mistakes, ye rest figure, influence, and motion(being [nghtly] un
derstood) may be admitted, and we shall [anon]. speak something
to them. But first, it will be here need full to saya little [of]
ye severall systems of ye world as they have been diversly
Delivered to us. these are 3,yt of Ptolomy, Tycho, and Copernicus.
[margin] 1
of ye old system of Aristotle and Ptolomy, which placeth ye ear
=th quite in ye center of ye universe, with it water, 3 versions of
air, and ye element of five round about it. [yn] they thought yt ye
heavenly orbs were round, holloh, Solid, and transparent globes,
or [vessels], containing each other (like ye coats of an Onion) that
most of their imagined orbs had some one part more dense [it if]
rest, [yt] it might reflect light which they called ye planet of the
orb [...]: yt every planet had its distinct orb or sphere to car=
:ry it about (like a nail in a wheel) because they knew not
how else to solve ye various motions which they had obser=
:ved, and could give no other account of ; yea they imagined
Some orbs without stars (as ye 2 christallines and ye [primu~]
mobile, or first mover) also to each of ye planetary orbs they
added [Epicicles] and other Inventions in a most intricate and
perplexed modell; and still, to solve ye Phainomena or appea:
=rences [arifing] from ye variety and seeming irregularity of
their motions, they gave also each orb its intelligence(or an=
=gell) who was allways to impell and direct it. according to
their frame in [thii] motion of ye. Spheres diverse ways, the
inner surface of ye one rubbed against ye outer surface of ye
next, and though very polite and smooth (else ye motion wo=
=uld have been hindred) yet made a noise with such ah harm=
=ony, as ye musick would be admirable if it could be heard.
they further say , yt (ye Earth standing still and looking on)
the planets have 2, contrary motions. ye one naturall, the
other violent. The Naturall Inclination [is] from ye West to
ye east, and they compleat their circles round ye Earth in
Several periods of time (called therefore ye periodicall motion)
ye moon comes in a month; ye Sun with venus and Mercu
=ry once in a year; mars in 2; Jupiter in 12 : Saturn
in 30 : ye 8th Sphere filled with many stars fixed, most
whereof are bigger then ye Earth, and some manyfold) in
36000 years, which great period they call ye Platonick year,
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