(seq. 23)
[upper lefthand corner] chap. 4th [upper righthand corner] 15
Naturall Phylosophy.
The Speciall part of physicks treats of ye Species of bodies
and ye first Distribution is into Simple [underlined] and mixt [underlined].
Simple body is y[superscript]t which is not composed of other bodies, and
these if Antients thought were Heaven and Elements.
[Margin]N not, ye ground of yt Antients to pronounce ye Heavenly [underlined] bo-
dies[underlined] Simple was because they could observe no changes, gene-
rations, or Corruptions in ym: but Ye late invention of Te-
lescope (besides other reformations in Astronomy) there's also
another Doctrine of Heavenly bodies; for (say ye Latter Phyloso-
phers) had Aristotle's eyes been placed in ye moon, or any oth
er of ye Colestiall gloves, he would have seen no more alter-
ations in this our naked Earthly glove, by his naked eyes, than
he did from ye Earth Discern in ye Heavens. but our eyes by
ye help of this new art, being fortified above 1000 fold can
see there those things wch he could not: generations, & corr-
uptions and many other matters we can see in ye body of ye
moon, hills, and dales, dry-Land, and water we can see about
ye meteors, and Comets; and about ye Sun clouds and steams &
therefore, certainly many of ye Colestial globes are concrete
bodies as our Earth is, and is no more Simple yn this.
upon this consideration, rather, let us divide natural bo-
dies (as ye Scripture doth Gen:1) into Heaven and Earth, & for
Earth into Simple [underlined] and mixt [underlined].
[in margin]1 Heaven [underlined] or colestiall body is all ye rest of ye universe. (the
aspectible. or visible world) which is farther distant from us un our highest air; as for ye invisible world [underlined] (ye Heave
of Heavens, ye throne of god, ye Seat of ye blessed angels and
Saints) we are not here to treat of; yt third heaven (as the
Apostle calls it) or Empyreall (as ye Phylosophers) is above Phy-
losophical notion; but there is a first and Second which they
make Gold to meddle with. ye first is aeriall )whence birds
are called fowls of ye Heaven) this indeed belongs to ye Earth,
and is hereafter to be handled in its place. ye second for
distinction is called Aethereall [underlined], from Aether, conceived to be more
pure yn our finest air, which fills up all ye space between ye
Heavenly bodies: and this heaven it is which we have now to
do with; and of this Something in generall and Speciall.
{first Heaven do birds, yh second stars possess:}
{third throne of god, angels and souls doubtless.}
in generall [underlined], it was antiently defined [underlined] a simple [underlined] body made up
of matter [underlined] & colestial form, but as to ye simplicity [underlined] tis before
Laid aside; the matter is now thought the same with outs; &
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