(seq. 53)




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September 16th Saturday
At Newbury Port getting in
Readiness to Embark for
Kennebeck Riber

September 17th Sunday
Attended publick worship
Heard the Reverend Mr Spring
Our Chaplain

September 18th Monday
This afternoon We Embarkd
on Board the Transports
we had Eleven hundred men
Command by [?] Arnold
and Lieutenant [?] Green and
Enos 11 Transports

September 19th Tuesday
This day about 9 O Clock [?]
Weighd out Anchors and Came
to Sail with a Inwardly wind
after we got over the Bar we
Lay too waiting for orders from
the Commedore at 2 O Clock
Receivd Orders

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unsure of the expansions for the abbreviations "Col.n" and "Col.m" I suspect they are names.