Bridge, Ebenezer, 1716-1792. Ebenezer Bridge papers, 1740-1792. Diary, pages 1-48 : autograph manuscript (unsigned), 1749-1750. MS Am 1186 (27). Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 31)
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(seq. 31)

31) 16 June 1750. Wrote Sermon -

x17. Lords day. I preach'd all day from {Proverbs} 8.1[?] read 2 {Kings} 19. {Matthew} 11. propounded the desire of Ruth Parker to Join in full {Comunion} -

18. Visited {Jonathan} Bowers - {Colonel} Clark - & a Short Visit pray'd To {Reverend} Mr. Parker of Dracut --

19. Went to Billerica lecture {Reverend} Mr. Bower preached -

20. Visited Josiah Fletcher - Sup'd at {Colonel} Stoddard

21. Brother Maccarty came from Worcester to my house to pay me a visit

22. Rode with {Brother} Maccarty To Visit {Reverend} Mr. Parker Dracut

23. Visited {Colonel} Stoddard with {brother} Maccarty -

x24. Lords day. {Brother} Maccarty preach'd for me all day - [?] from {Exodus} 31.18. PM from {Hebrews} 9.11.12. Read 2 {Kings} 20 {Matthew} 12 & Baptized Jonas the Son of {Oliver} & Hannah Pierce - Jonathan the Son of John & Susanna Robbins - & Martha the {daughter} Of {Benjamin} & Martha Howard - I notified {sacrament} & {lecture}

25. My {Brother} Maccarty went home - I Rode a [?] miles with him - & Visited Peter Prockter & {Benjamin} Prockter & his {mother} in my way [home?]

26. Visited Jacob Parker

27. Visited {Colonel} Stoddard PM

28. {lecture} Day {Reverend} Mr. Chandler preach'd from 2 [?] 24.24 -- Mrs Sarah White came to Visit us for [a?] few days -- After service Stopp'd {Church}, [?] Contribution for sacrament --They Voted To [give?] each {Communion} -- [20. d 60 d Ten?] or [2.2 -?] ful money - It was [illegible passage] bution but twice a [?] - & {James} Dunn his child & {pray'd} in [?] - with the last

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(seq. 32)
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(seq. 32)

[3]2) 29 June 1750 - Began {sermon} - Visited Josiah Fletcher his yet Indisposed in body & mind

30. Wrote sermon

1. July 1750 Lords day & {Communion} day. I preach'd all day from 1 {Corinthians} 6.20. Admitted Ruth Parker the Daughter of {Benjamin} - Into full {Communion} - Administred Sacrament. {Sup.t} -- read PM {Matthew} 13th -

2. Dined at {Colonel} Stoddard with my wife. Molley & Mrs Sarah White

3. Rode To Billerica with Mrs. Sarah White, dined & spent PM with {Reverend} Mr. Chandler --

4. {Reverend} Mr. Parker & wife, {Colonel} Stoddard & wife Madam Tyng & {daughter} Sarah - & Mr. Gardner the preacher - & Mr. {Oliver} Fletcher, dined with me - Mr. Gardner lodged with us -

[5] Dined with my wife. & {Company} at {Reverend} Mr. Parker's at Dracut --- In the [Evening] Visited {Jonathan} Bowers, who had raised a barn PM --

Received a Visit for {Reverend} Mr. Hall, in his way home from Commencement --

Wrote Sermon

Lords day I preach'd all day from {Psalms} 119.126 Read 2 {Kings} 21. {Matthew} 14. - Very hot day -- Visited {James} Dutton, {Widow} Stevens, & {widow} Spaulding at her son [illeg.] Simeons - all Indisposed

Visited AM - {Ebenezer} Harris his wife ill & pray with me - & {Reverend} Mr. [M --?] his Mother ill - Mr.

15. This Morning the Company - PM Visited {Benjamin} I Visited Oliver Fletcher -- [?] {Ephraim} Spaulding

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(seq. 33)
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(seq. 33)

33) July 11.1750 Went to Westford - Ministers meeting there, {present} Messrs Parker, D Rogers, Meril, Chandler & myself --

12. Visited {Colonel} Stoddard who came from Boston last night

13. Wrote sermon

14. Wrote {sermon}. {Reverend} Mr. Walker dined with us, in his way home from Boston --

x15 Lords day. I preach'd all day from {Matthew} 9.11-17 read 2 {Kings} 22. {Matthew} 15. - Baptized Willard the Son of [John] & Phebe Spaulding --

16. Walk'd out AM Upon business - PM - took a little diversion at fishing --

17. Went Notingham with my wife to Visit {Reverend} Mr. Merril -- {Colonel} Tyng & {daughter} Sarah {Reverend} Mr. Parker & wife were there also - Returned at Evening & spent a little time at {Colonel} Clarks --

18. Visited {Widow} Patch, She, & some {others} in the family not well - Joseph - {Benjamin} {Junior} & {Captain} Chamberlain --

19. Hurried abroad

20. Visited {James} Dutton Sick & prayed with him

21. Wrote sermon

x22 Lords day Preach'd all day from [John] 3.7.8 Read 2 {Kings} 23. {Matthew} 16 -- Propounded the desires of {Jonathan} & Bridget Parkhurst To own {Covenant}

23. {Reverend} Mr. Rogers of Littleton & wife dined with us --

24. {Reverend} Messrs Parker & Meril & wives & {Colonel} Stoddard & Mrs. Willis dined with us --

25. Hurried all day in my Meadow AM about Clearing a load &c PM about Mowing

26. Visited {James} Dutton - & {James} Dunn his child Sick, & prayed with the last -

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(seq. 34)
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(seq. 34)

34) 27 July 1750. {Reverend} Mr. {Joseph} Emmerson & Mr. Miriam a preacher, dined with me --

28. Wrote sermon

x29. Lords day. I preach'd all day from {Psalms} 119. 115 Read 2 {Kings} 24 {Matthew} 17. -- Propounded the {Covenant} to {Jonathan} & Bridget Parkhurst -- & they consented to it

30. I Spent the day & Evening chiefly in reading

31. Visited {Samuel} Richardson -- busy PM {about} Hay, mowing in Meadow --

1. {August} 1750 - Went Littleton Via Westford Ministers Meeting at {Reverend} Mr. Rogers' -- {Present} {Reverend} Messrs. Parker, Hall, Meril Spaulding, Chandler & my Self -- Mrs. Chandler spent the day with my wife --

2. Hurried abroad --

3. Ditto but spent some time reading

4. {Brother} White & his wife came to Visit us, & {brought} their little son with {them} --

x5. Lords day I preach'd all day at Billerica upon a Change with {Reverend} Mr. Chandler AM from {Hebrews} -- PM from {John} 3.7.8 -- Return'd home -- Mr. Chandler tarried & supp'd with us - & by reason of Rain lodged at {Colonel} Stoddards --

6. Went with {Colonel} Stoddard & Mr. White to {Colonel} Clarks, it being a proprietors meeting there, of Tyngs turn - We dined There & Spent PM & Evening

7. Went To Billerica & Dined there at {Reverend} Mr. Chandlers with the {Company}. PM Visited [illeg.] Thompson

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(seq. 35)
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(seq. 35)

35) 8 {August} 1750. exceedingly Engaged & fatigued in Haying --

9. Visited Isaac Fletcher who has kept house Some years, & discoursed with him -- PM I Visited {Deacon} Spaulding {Senior} who has bin ill & his son David -

10. In Study A.M. - Toward Night Visited Master Fletcher

11. Wrote sermon

x12. Lords day I preach'd all day from 2 {Corinthians} 7.1 Read 2 {Kings} 25 {Matthew} 18 -

13. Visited {Colonel} Stoddard {toward} night

14. Read considerable &c. &c. --

15. Exceedingly humid {about}] Haying &c --

16. Went Dracut with Molley Stoddard, & dined at {Reverend} Mr. Parkers - visited {Colonel} Clark

17. Wrote sermon -- discoursed with {Benjamin} Parker {Junior} & {Elizabeth} his wife about Joining in full {Communion} with the {Church} -- Sometime this week (I think a Tuesday) I discoursed with {Joseph} Pierce, about his Intemperance & told him I {should} leave the Matter to the {Church}, to determine [co.?] would give {them} satisfaction for his Offence - & (I think a Wednesday). I discoursed with {Jonathan} Foster About his Intemperance, for {which} he has had Baptism denied to his Child, as the Said Pierce has bin refused the Sacrament, [Supp't?] & has Refused to give satisfaction - & told him Also I {should} refer the matter to the {Church} {which} I proposed to call together some time next week for those ends --

18. Wrote sermon

x19. Lords day. I preach'd all day from {Psalm} 32.1.2 Read 1 {Chapter} Ezra. {Matthew} 19 - propounded the desires of {Benjamin} Parker {Junior} & {Elizabeth}, his wife to join in full {Communion} notified Catechising S E Thursday next - Stop'd {Church} & notified a Meeting next Wednesday [upon?] [?] [?] {Joseph} Pierce & {Isaac} Foster.

Last edit over 1 year ago by DianeB
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