(seq. 46)




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46) 29 {November} 1750 Studdied some, -

30. Wrote sermon

1. {December} 1750 wrote Sermon

X 2 Lords day I preach'd all day from Acts 10.2
Baptized Robert the Son of David & Phebe
Spaulding - Reuben the Son of {Benjamin} & {Elizabeth}
Parker - Jonathan the Son -- & Bethyah
& Molley & Lois the Daughters of -- & Lois
Herrick -- The Woman has lately own'd
{Covenant} - & the Children are baptized on her
{account} The Father being a poor Shackling
man, and now Obliged to Abscond, on {account}
Of Debt, as also on {account} of a Charge of ad-
ultery - Ester the {daughter} of Jannes Dutton laying
a Child (of {which} is now big) to him

3. Dined at {Colonel} Stoddards with {Reverend} Mr Hall
& wife

4. Visited Israel Prockter sick - & a young
girl at Asa Martins sick, prayed with
both - Dined at Gershom Prockter's

5. A young child of Henry Spaulding, died
I visited {Oliver} {Fletcher} in the Evening -

6. Attended the {funeral} of Henry Spauldings child

7. Studdied some

8. prepared {sermon}. Visited {Jonathan} Barron, he
& his child sick & prayed with {them}

x 9 Lords day I preached all day from {Psalm} 24.3.4
Sermons from {Matthew} 5.8 -

10. Visited {Colonel} {Stoddard} in the {Evening} In also this PM
{Jonathan} Barron he & Child yet sick & prayed &c.

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