(seq. 43)
43) 25 {October} 1750 - Wrote sermon, Visited Master
Fletcher in the Evening, Dr. King Rode to Bos-
ton with my Chair & horse in order to bring up
my sister {Elizabeth} i.e. it suited him in his busi-
ness so to do, since I found horse &c
26. Dr. King brot. my sister {Elizabeth} from Boston
27. wrote sermon. {Reverend} Mr. Parker dined
with us, in his way from Boston
x28. Lords day I preach'd all day from Acts
20.42. Read Ezra 10. {Matthew} 27. Baptized
Jesie the son of Jacob & Sarah Byham. pro-
posed a Charitable contribution for
Henry Richardson of Pelham whose
[?] & substance were lately confirmed
with [?] - with the nine malancholey cir-
cumstances attending the sume viz the
son of said Henry's, & Burnt so that he died
in a few hours, & John Wright of Dra-
cut consumed in the flames - notified
the sacrament {supposed} to be next lords day
29. Visited Josiah Fletcher.
30. Wrote sermon
31. Wrote sermon
1. {November} 1750 Thanksgiving day {through} Province:
I preach'd from 1 {Peter} 5.7. After service
there was a Charitable {Contribution}: for Henry
Richardson Of Pelham, as proposed last {sabbath}
and was collected {in case} as follows, below
2. {Reverend} Mr. Chandler & wife, & her brother Timothy
White of Boston, dined with us, PM we Visited
{Colonel} Stoddard, with {them}. & {Deacons} came to my house
& counted the contributions yesterday - & found in Cash
£19.3.3 - in grain 28.15.0 - including 1 bulle Indian 1 [?]
28.15 & several notes, not specifying [?]
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