(seq. 11)




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3) 1 July 1749 - Wrote sermon. Visited {Samuel} Perham his [child]
very bad - & pray'd with {them} - The child
died in the evening -

2. Lords day & Communion day. I preach'd all day from 2 {Chronicles}
latter part 18 & whole of the 19 {verse} - administered
the sacrament of the supper - Read PM 6 chapter {Revelations}. A
very hot day

3. Attended the funeral of {Samuel} Perham's child.

4. Rode to Billerica, & visited {Reverend} Mr. Chandler with
my wife & daughter Sarah - PM.

5. Visited Oliver Fletcher

6. Visited Major Stoddard

7. Wrote sermon

8. Wrote sermon - discoursed with young Jerahmiah
Brown about owning Covenant &c. Was not satisfied

x9 Lords day. I preach'd all ay from 1 {Corinthians} 14-20.
Read 1 {Kings} 14. {Revelations} 7 - Baptized Thankful the {daughter} of
{Zachariah} & Thankful Emery - & Ruth {daughter} of
{Ephraim} & Esther Warren

10. Wrote to {Colonel} Brattle about my {daughter} Salley who is not well

11. Visited Deacon Peirce & his son Robert - Visited
Nathaniel Butterfield and rebuked and exhorted him
for drunkenness - and he and his wife for quarrel-
ing & fighting &c &c.

12. Went Dracut Ministers meeting. Present {Reverend] Messrs.
Hall & Merril

13. Receiv'd Visit from {Reverend} Mr. Chandler & wife PM

14. Received Visit from {Reverend} Mr. Meril & wife who di-
ned with us -

15. Received Vistit from {Reverend} Mr. Chandler of Rowley
& Mr. Sprague of Charlestown -

x16. Lords day. I preach'd all day from {Romans} 14.17. Read
1 {Kings}. 15. {Revelations} 8. Mr. [John] Sprague supp'd with [us].

17. Visited {Jonathan} Hildreth his child sick, & pray'd with {them}.
Visited Peter Prockter - advised {said} Hildreth & Prockter to
make up a difference between {them}, and not to go to law
Visited Widower Prockter and his mother yet confined
PM visited {Jerahmiah} Bowers, his young child dangerously

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