(seq. 10)
2) 15 June 1749 Fast day {through} the province on {account} of the
grievous drought - I preach'd all day from {Habakkuk}. 3.17.18.
16. Visited James Dutton sick & pray'd with him - also
PM Widow Miriam Prockter yet sick & prayd with
her - Visited Joanna Byam at {Daniel} Procter's sick
Peter Prockter, Mr. Harwood and son -
17. [Visited?] Kenelm Winslow & {Samuel} Gowen with my sister
Experience & cousin {Abigail}. Bridge came from Boston -
x18. Lords day. I preach'd all day from {Hebrews} 11:7, old sermons.
Read 1 {Kings} 12, {Revelations} 4 - Baptized John the son of
{Zebediah} & Mary Keyes - & William the son of Andrew
and Mary Betty - A most excessive hot day.
{Colonel} Brattle invited me PM & Evening -
19. Visited {Colonel} Tyng with my {Company} PM
20. Attended the Raising of a barn of {Jonathan} Barron's
Supp'd at his Mothers
21. Major Stoddard & lady - Mr. Alford of Boston & Mr. [Jarat?]
dined at my house with me & my {company} -
22. Visitied & supp'd with the major with {Company} -
23. My {company} went home
24. Wrote sermon
x25. Lords day. I preach'd all day from Psalm 15 -
Read 1 {Kings}. 13, {Revelations} 5. Notified Sacrament.
& led Thursday 2 o'clock PM.
26. Visited & dined with {Reverend} Mr. Parker with my sis-
ter Abigail - Visited also {Colonel} Clark & {Benjamin} Howard.
27. Visited {Zachariah} Emmery & John Spaulding
& discoursed with {Jonathan} Stedman & wife there
28. Attended the Raising of a barn of {William} Porter's
and expressed my disatisfaction with the Conduct of
some at such times, occasion'd by the drunkenness
of {Nathaniel} Langley there -
29. A Child of Joseph Heywood was buried be-
fore lecture - I pray'd at the grave - {Reverend} Mr.
Parker preach'd my {lecture} - from {Zechariah} 10:12. later
part - {Reverend} Mr. Hall present
30. Wrote sermon. Visited John Parker -
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