(seq. 9)




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1) June 1. 1749

{Reverend} Mr. Barnard of Andover preached the Conven-
tion sermon from 2 {Corinthians} 4.1. - I dined at Dr.
Chaunceys - PM Visited friends - Supp'd at the
{Reverend] Mr. Grays.

2. I returned home from Boston & found all well.

3. I discoursed with Jonas Robbins again about old
Mr. Byham his denying the divinity of our Saviour [as?]
{Said} Jonas Charges him - and can't as yet find rea-
son to call a Church meeting

x 4. Lords day. I preach'd all day from {Matthew} 11. 29.30
Old sermon - Read 1 {Thessalonionas} 10 - {Revelations} 2 -

5. Visited Widow Meriam Prockter apprehended nigh
her End - discoursed & prayed with her -

6. Visited {Colonel} Clark & {Reverend} Mr. Parker with my wife.
Received a visit from {Reverend] Mr. Wilkins -

7. Visited Widow Mary Blodget sick and apprehend-
ed nigh her End - discoursed & pray'd with her.
Visited {Jonathan} Butterfield & {deacon} {Ephraim} Spaulding

8. This morning died the widow Mary Blodget {Ætas} 87.
PM Visited some {Company} at the {Majors} -

9. Received a Visit from Mrs. Kimbal of Wenham and
her {daughter} in the way to Littleton. They dined with us -
I and my wife attended the funeral of dame Blodget.

10. Wrote Sermon. Dined at Major Stoddards with company.

x11. Lords day I preach'd all day from 1. {Chronicles}: 29. v 7
first part - Read 1 {Thessalonians} 11. {Revelations} 3. Baptized
Joseph the Son of Joseph & Sarah Heywood, & Han-
nah the {daughter} of John & Hannah Parker - Read Pro-
clamation for }public} Fast on [audit?] Drought -

12. Visited {Ebenezer} Foster in the evening.

13. Received a Visit PM from {Reverend} Mr. Chandler & his sister
Mrs Sarah White - Wrote sermon for Fast

14. Wrote sermon for ditto.

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