(seq. 1)
17) December 12・1749
I set out for Boston in company with {Reverend} Mr. [Hall?]
My horse fail'd me, and I had a fall from him b[ut]
{through} Divine goodness received no hurt - I went [as]
far as {Reverend} Mr. Chandlers and dined there and [re-]
turned home at night - and was much indispo-
sed in the evening & night
13. Attended the funeral of {John} Warren's child -
14. Received a short visit from {Colonel} Blanchard
& exceedingly hurried in making provision for
myself & family -
15. Visited {John} Warren his child sick throat & dis-
temper - & pray'd with {them} -
16. Exceedingly hurried in {Churchly} Affairs - & my horse
to day - I was put out in making any new {sermon}.
X 17. Lords day. I preach'd all day from {Psalm} 81.11.
Old sermons - with part new Improvement. [Wa?]
a {Church} meeting Tomorrow 2 O Clock PM in {order}
to Choose a Deacon - and to Consult All upon
some other matters wherein the Interest of the {church}
is Concern'd -
18. The {Church} mett. and after prayer proceeded to the [choi-]
ce of a Deacon - There were 38 voters, and
John Warren was Chosen, having 31 votes. 3 for
{Benjamin} Parker - 3 for {William} Prockter, & 1 for
Adams - Mr Warren desired time to [con-]
sidr. of the matter - and he was desired to give
ansr. next {lecture} day After Service - The
{Deacon} {Ephraim} Spaulding made report to the Church that
by reason of the fall of the Price of wine and the
contributions holding out well he had got [?]
of 20£ before hand in his hands, & Church [was]
Informed that there [?]
cloth & napkin [?]
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