(seq. 24)
have the care of the peace and safety of the province and that nothing
be by any person attempted to the subversion of the frame of Gouverment.
Tenth that the Governor and Provincial council shall at all times
settle and order the situation of all cities ports and market towns in
every county modelling therein all publick Buildings streets and market
places; and shall appoint all nocessary Roadsand highways in the province
Eleventh that the Governor and provincial council shall at all times
have power to inspect the Managment of the publick treasure & punish
those who shall convert any part thereof to any other use than what hath
been agreed upon by the Governor Provincial council & General assembly
Twelfth that the governor and Provincial council shall erect and
order all publick schools and encourage and reward the authors of usefull
sciences and landable inventions in the said province.
Thirtenth that for the better Managment of the powers & trust
afortaid the provincial council from time to time divide itself into four
districts and proper committies for the more easie administration of the
affairs of the province which divides the seventy into four eighteens every
one of which eighteens shall consist of [?] out of each of the three orders or
yearly elections each of which shall have a distinct position of Business as
followeth First a committee of plantations to situate and settle cities ports
Market towns and highways and to hear and decide all suits and controversies
relating to plantations Secondly a committe of justice and safety to
secure the peace of the province and punish the Male administration of those
who subvert justice to the prejudice od the publick or private interest Thirdly
a committe of trade and treasury who shall regulate all trade & commerce
according to law encourage Manufacture and country growth and [?] the
publick carge of the province and Fourthly a commite of Manners
Education and arts that all wicked and scandalous living may be prevented and
that youth may be successively trained up in Virtue and useful knowledge ..
and arts the [?] of each of which committees being six that is two out
of each of the three oreders or yearly elections as aforesaid make a standing –
Council of twenty four whish will have power of the provincial council ..
being the [?] of it in all cases not excepted in the fifth article in the
said committees and standing council of the province of Governors or his Deputy
shall or may preside as aforesaid an in the absence of the Governor or his..
Deputy if no one is by either of them appointed the said committees or Council
shall sppoint a president for that time and not otherwise and shall be [?]
at such committees shall be soported to the said council of the province and shall
be by them [?] and confirmed before the same shall be put in execution and
hat there respective committees shall not sit out one and the same time except in
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