(seq. 23)
the twelfth Month as aforesaid yearly for ever efterward the freemen of-
the said province shal in like manner meet and [?] together and then
chuse twenty four persons being one third of the said Numbers to serve in
provincial council for three years it being intended that one third of the
whole provincical coucil (always consisting and to consist of seventy two
persons as asforesaid) falling of yearly it shall be yearly supplied with much
new yearly elections as aforesaid and that no one person shall continue
therein longer tahn three years And in case any member shall decease
before the last election during his time that then at the next election
ensuing his decease another shall be shosen to supply his place for the
remaining time he was to have served and no longer.
Fourth that after the first seven years, every one of the said third
parts that goeth off yearly shall be uncapable of being chosen again for one
whole year following that so all may be lifted for government and have
experience of the care and burden of it.
Fifth that the provincial council in all cases & Matters of Moment
as their arguing upon Bills to be pased into laws erecting Courts of justice
giving judgement upon criminals [?] and choice of offices in such
manners as id hereinafter mentioned not less than two thirds of the whole
provincial coucil shall make a [?], and that the consent and ap =
= protation of two thirds of such [?], shall be had all such cases or..
Matters of Moment And moreover that in all cases & matters of lessers
Moment twenty four members of the said provincial council shall make
a [?], the Majority of which twenty four shall and may always deter_
=mine in such cases and causes of lesser Moment.
Sixth that in this provincial council the Governor of his Deputy shall
or may always preside or have a treble voice and the said provincail council shall ..
alwaies continue and sit upon its own adjournments and committees.
Seventh that the governor and provincial council shall prepare and
propose to the general assembly hereafter mentioned all bills which they shall
at any time think fitt to be past into laws within the said province, which
bills shall be published and affixed to the most noted places in the inhabited parts
thereof, thirty days before the meeting of the general assembly in order to the
passing of them into laws or rejecting of them as the Genreal assembly shall
seem meet.
Eighth that the Governor and provincial council shall take care that
all laws statues and ordinancdes which shall at any time be made within said province be duly and diligently executed.
Ninth that the governor and provincial council shall at all times .
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