(seq. 1)
Farmington {Connecticut}
This presant Righting Made this 26th Day of August in {the} year of {our} Lord one thousand six hundred Ninety & Eight wittnesseth Articles of an Agreement Betwen Luke Hayes on {the} one party & Mardlyn freeman Widdow on {the} other party & both partyes belonging to Farmington in {the} County of hartford & Colony of Conecticot in Newengland Which is as followeth: viz : that if we the {said} Luke hayes & mardlyn freeman shall by {the} providenc of God Joyne together as husband & wife in {the} ordinance of marriage: for {the} securety of {the} Estate of {the} above said mardlyn freeman I {the} aforesaid Luke hayes do herby Declare: that I have promised unto & do hereby covenant with {the} said mardlyn freeman that as I never had any Right so I now do & forever herafter will allthough we should Joyne in Marriage; Disclaime all kind of Right title Claims Intrest & propriaty in any part & Every part of that Estate Which she {the} said mardlyn freeman Now Standeth posessed of before marriage both personall & Reall only {the} benefitt & Improvement of her lands untill death Shall us part or untill {the} said mardlyns son James Street shall attaine the age of twenty one years which Shall first happen: & she Shall have full power to dispose of {the} personall Estate att her pleashuer & what moveable Estate she shall see cause to bring with her to be Improved for our Comfort: if providenc should so order that she should dye first then Immediately ther upon what Estate she shall have brought with her shall be reterned to her heirs Executor or Administrator in wittness wherunto I have signed sealled & delivered this presant Righting on the Day & year above Ritton in {the} presenc of With those Condissions also that what {the} said mardlyn is Indebted before marraige shall be paid out of her own Estate & not out of mine Signed in {the} presance of
Luke hayes & [?] Seall
John Hart {Seinor} John Hart {Junior}
Luke Hayes & seall [seal]
A copie of Hayeses & mardlyns agreement before marriage
The above written is A true Copy of the Originall on file [ ? ] Thomas Kimberly Clerk