(seq. 4)



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Feb. 25th 1793
Saml {White} Esq. pet
{Pendleton} Brethren {Defendants}
Judgmt. [Judgment] given for the Sum of £...

Cost taxed at... - £1: 11: 9 1/2

Feb. 25th 1793
Saml {White} Esq. pet
{Pendleton} Brethren {Defendants}
Judgmt. for Damages

Cost taxed at... - £0: 10: 11 1/2

Feb. 26th 1793
Saml {White} Esq. pet
{John Finley} {Defendant}
Judgmt. for Damages

Cost taxed at... £1: 10: 8 1/2
£0: 10: 2 1/2

March the 14th Day 1793
Saml {White} Esq. pet
{Cordwainer Lewis} {Defendant}

Judgmt. [Judgment] given for the money paid for damages

Cost taxed at... £1: 9: 4
£0: 14: 8 1/2
£0: 2: 9

March the 16th Day 1793
{Seth Williams} Esq. 2 pets.
{Daniel Liskay} 3 {Defendants}
Miss Entry for the writs was done vid [see] Dated to the 23 Day of March

{Seth Williams} Esq. 2 pets.
{John Weekmon} {Defendant}

Miss Entry for the writs were now Dated to the 23rd of March

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