(seq. 1)
August 20th 1752
1 Oliver Darby petitioner } Joseph Stephens defendant } Its [Confirmed?] that the petitioner Recover thirty five shillings Eight pence Damage, and Cost to get at 8/2 two for the [?]. Default debt [illegible?] [jack illegible?] cost 0 8 2 [L2,3,?]
2 Oliver Darby petitioner } Joseph Stephens defendant } Its [Confirmed?] that the petitioner Recover of the Defendant the money [illegible?] [illegible?] one pound fifteen shillings, and eight pence Damage of Cost To get at 8 / 2.5 Default Debt 1,15,[?] [qntrs?] _,_,7 _,8,10
3 Oliver Darby petitioner } Joseph Stephens defendant } Its [Confirmed?] that the petitioner Recover one pound fifteen shillings and eight pence Debt [on?] Damage and Cost To get at L8 / and two pence halfe pence 7 + Default Debt [5?],15,[?] [qntrs?] 0,0,[?] Cost _,8,2 L 2,3,[1?]
4 Oliver Darby petitioner } Joseph Stephens defendant } Its [Confirmed?] by the Justice that the petitioner Recover one pound [fifty?] shillings and nine pence Debt and Interest and Cost Taxes at Debt 1,15,9 [Notes?] 0,0,7 Cost 0,8,2 [L 2, 4, 8?] Default
October the 12th 1752 [Ambrous Linkon?] petitioner } John Woodward the 2 defendant } petitioner and defendant both appear on [Coll?] and the Defendant pled an abatement of the Writ as on file: Its [Confidna?] by the Justice that the writ abate on the plea provide and that the Defendant [Recover?] [illegible?] which way To get at 3: / which the Defendant payd [down?] in full of his [Colt?] [allas?] me John Godfrey Justice Peace
Jno. [Wooddro?] [in?] 3 /
October the 23rd, 1752 [Ambros Linkon?] petitioner } John Woodward the 2 defendant } The plea of abatement ass on file over Ruled. Judgment for ten shillings for the petitioner and Cost of [Court?] Taxt of 5,6,2.5 [paid?] which judgment the [defendant?] appealed to the next Court of Common Pleas to [illegible?] [Taunton?] with [illegible?] and for the County of [illegible?] on the Second Tusday of December [illegible?] and [illegible?] [propicate?] the same.
(seq. 2)
October 23rd 1792 Jonathan Ca[???]cer pet{petitioner} Joseph Wood[???] {previous is crossed out}White ? Def{defendent} after Sum pleas made the pet and Defd come to an agreement So the pet with Drew his action
November 25th 1752:: Samll{Samuel} White attorney Default oliver pucett^per[?]: Joseph Willices Def{defendent} Debt on Damage---------------------------j=0-0 Intrs{Interest} 8year 3 months----------9-9 Cost [?????] 16 5 1/2 Novr 27: 1752: Esc[?] granted 26 2 1/2
(seq. 3)
January the 22 Day 1753 Philip Gray pet } the pet connected by his attorney William Bordon Dept } George Chase Judgement for the money paid for which is [ ] - £ 6-8 and cost [ ] at - 0.15-7 £ 2. 23
(seq. 4)
Feb. 25th 1793 Saml {White} Esq. pet {Pendleton} Brethren {Defendants} Judgmt. [Judgment] given for the Sum of £...
Cost taxed at... - £1: 11: 9 1/2
Feb. 25th 1793 Saml {White} Esq. pet {Pendleton} Brethren {Defendants} Judgmt. for Damages
Cost taxed at... - £0: 10: 11 1/2
Feb. 26th 1793 Saml {White} Esq. pet {John Finley} {Defendant} Judgmt. for Damages
Cost taxed at... £1: 10: 8 1/2 £0: 10: 2 1/2
March the 14th Day 1793 Saml {White} Esq. pet {Cordwainer Lewis} {Defendant} Default
Judgmt. [Judgment] given for the money paid for damages
Cost taxed at... £1: 9: 4 £0: 14: 8 1/2 £0: 2: 9
March the 16th Day 1793 {Seth Williams} Esq. 2 pets. {Daniel Liskay} 3 {Defendants} Miss Entry for the writs was done vid [see] Dated to the 23 Day of March
{Seth Williams} Esq. 2 pets. {John Weekmon} {Defendant}
Miss Entry for the writs were now Dated to the 23rd of March
(seq. 5)
March the 23rd 1793: {Seth Williams} the 2d pet {John Weekmon} {Defendant}
Judgment for the sum of £1 for principal Damage - Default Execution granted March 26th 1793 Cost
April the 6th Day 1793: {Thomas Burt} pet } plea of Assumpsit non-assumpsit {William Wood} {Defendant} }
The {Defendant} confessing the force and the Assumpsit the {Plaintiff} prayed Judgment and {Confession} the money is ordered and Cost taxed at £1 - 0 - 9 The {Defendant} appeals and gave bond with surety
April 23rd 1793: {John Willson} pet } Default {Seth Jones} {Defendant} }
Judgment for the sum of £1 principal Execution granted - pay for surety £0-0-2 Cost
{Samuel Briggs} pet } Judgment for Damages £1 - 12 - {Isaac Stephens} {Defendant} } or above account Execution granted April 17th 1794 Cost taxed at £1 - 18 - 10 1/2
May 15th Day 1793: {Humphrey Jones} Administrator pet } {Rebecca Jones} widow &c. {Defendant} } Default
Judgment for Damages £1 - 16 - 0 1/2 Cost taxed at £2 - 13 - 7 1/2
May 15th 1793: {Humphrey Jones} Administrator pet } {Rebecca Jones} widow &c. {Defendant} }
Judgment for Damages £1 - 17 - 4 Cost taxed at £2 - 15 - 7 1/2