Essex County (Mass.). Court of General Sessions. Sentence for theft, 1773-1774. Small Manuscript Collection, Harvard Law School Library.

The sentencing of John Corney, convicted of theft, dated July 1773. On verso of document is a note of payment of costs, dated August 1774, signed by sheroff Richard Saltonstall.


(seq. 1)
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(seq. 1)

Essex ss at his Majestys Court of the General Sessions of the Peace begun & held at Salem in the County of Essex on the second Tuesday of July 1773

Ordered that John Corney be whip'd on the naked back at the publick whipping post in Salem twenty stripes & that he pay Timothy Wyer the prosecutor twenty one Shillings being trible the value of the Goods stolen if the Goods are returned they are the be accounted one third thereof also costs & stand committed till this sentence be performed

Attest Joseph Blaney Clerk

Essex ss at the above Term Ordered that the Country Treasurer pay the Costs of John Corney

Attest Joseph Blaney Clerk

Essexss as the above Term Timothy Wyer the Prosecutor agreed in Court to release to the above named John Corney, his Damages aforesd ---

Attest Joseph Blaney Clerk

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp
(seq. 2)
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(seq. 2)

Ipswich 10th Aug. 1774 Recd. the within costs - taxed at three pounds 19/

£3.19:0 Richd Saltonstall

Quare John Corney £.3:19.--

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp
(seq. 3)
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(seq. 3)

Essex ss at his Majestys Court of the General Sessions of the Peace begun & held at Salem in the County of Essex on the second Tuesday of July 1773

Ordered that John Corney be whip'd on the naked back at the publick whipping post in Salem twenty stripes & that he pay Timothy Wyer the prosecutor twenty one Shillings being trible the value of the Goods stolen if the Goods are returned they are the be accounted one third thereof also costs & stand committed till this sentence be performed

Attest Joseph Blaney Clerk

Essex ss at the above Term Ordered that the Country Treasurer pay the Costs of John Corney

Attest Joseph Blaney Clerk

Essexss as the above Term Timothy Wyer the Prosecutor agreed in Court to release to the above named John Corney, his Damages aforesd ---

Attest Joseph Blaney Clerk

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp
(seq. 4)
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(seq. 4)

Ipswich 10th Aug. 1774 Recd. the within costs - taxed at three pounds 19/

£3.19:0 Richd Saltonstall

Quare John Corney £.3:19.--

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp
(seq. 5)
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(seq. 5)

November 30, 1955

Dear Judge Walcott:

Acknowledging the letter which you gave me yesterday, I wish to thank you very much for the record of the Essex Court of General Sessions of the Peace. We should like very much to keep the original here and shall give the photostat to Professor Beale. It is, of course, unfortunate that so many items from the ancient records have got away from their proper custody but as all of the libraries have them in greater or less quantity, I shall be very grateful if you will allow us to keep the one you handed me yesterday.

With many thanks,

I am, Yours very sincerely, Eldon R. James.

Honorable Robert Walcott, 910-919 Barristers Hall, Boston, Mass.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp
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