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Cambridge 30 Oct. 1832
Dear Sir,
I hope you will excuse the present application from a consideration of its necessity and from my desire to be perfectly exact on the point of my inquiry.
In the course of some remarks I had occasion to make, at the request of the Corporation on the dedication of the Dane Law College, I incidentally referred to your period of life. I had inquired of Judge Story and he had given me without hesitation that you were in your 77th year. I referred it therefore to that period.
Since the delivery of the address on again conversing with Judge Story, he expressed himself with less certainty on the point.
I am particularly anxious not to make any mistakes, and on consultation
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with Judge Story he assured me that you would take no exception at the inquiry and thought that under the circumstances, it was the only & proper course to adopt.
I have, therefore, stopped the press until I can have the advantage of your answer to the inquiry concerning your present age.
Will you permit to hope that I may have a return by the bearer, should this letter be sent by the Stageman, or by the next mail, should I find that mode of communication the most eligible.
Respectfully Yr. h'l s't {your humble servant} Josiah Quincy
Hon Nathan Dane
[in another handwriting} Wrote him the same day -- 80 years old in about two months
[in margin] Octr.30. 1832 letter from President Quincy