(seq. 3)




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No 1,, 1 Cask
2,, 1 Box
,, 20 Bundles of 120 Barrs
of Steel w' 20,, _ ,,16

Shipped by the Grace of God in good Order and well conditioned by Harrison & Bernard
in and upon the good ship call'd the Lydia . . . Whereof is Master
under God for this present voyage James Scott . . . and now riding at Anchor
in the River Thames _ and by Gods grace bound for Boston in New England _ to say

One Cask, one Box, Twenty Bundles of 120 Barrs of Steel
weighing 20 ,, _ ,, 16. On account of Invoice.

being marked and numbered as in the Margin and are to be delivered in the good Order and well -
conditioned at the said Port of Boston in New England . . . (the Danger of
the Seas only Excepted unto Order: . . . or to their assigns
he or they paying Freight for the said Goods One Pound Eighteen {Shillings} & {8 pence}. {Lawful Money?}(CAN'T WORK OUT))

with Primage and Average accustomed In Witnels whereof the Master or Purser of the said ship hath
affirmed to two Bills of Loading all of this Tenor and date the one of which two Bills being accomplished
the other one to stand void. And so God send the good Ship to her desired Port in safety amen.
Dated in London 30th april 1766

James Scott

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There are parts of this that I cannot figure out at all if anyone is able to help! :)