Barbados. Laws, etc. An Act of Assembly of Barbadoes to regulate sales at outcry and the proceedings of persons executing the office of Provost Marshall General of the said island and their under officers, 1763. HLS MS 1046, Harvard Law School Library.


An Act of Assembly of Barbadoes to regulate sales at outcry and the proceedings of persons executing the office of Provost Marshall General of the said island and their under officers (leaf 1) ; A state of some matters relative to the office of Provost Marshall, and to the passing of this bill (leaf 9) ; Observations drawn up by Jonathan Blenman Esq. his Majestys Atty. Gen. in Barbadoes ... on the Act as it had been first brought in 1761 (leaf 13) ; and two leaves laid in ; Power of attorney, granted to Christopher Scandrett, signed by Francis Reynolds and his son Thomas (25 April 1766) ; Petition of Francis Reynolds to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations (1766).


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Last edit about 4 years ago by PurpleGiraffe472
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to be wanting ([info so?] perhaps by way of explanation of former acts as [already intimated?]/if [Hio?] law in going [void?] duty put in execution and the authority with which the counts in Barbados are [azined?] to [speodify?] & invariably exorcised, but it ought not be forgot that [Hie?] Office of marshall is a very and [invidious?] as well as a [nocofvary?] office and which will [Hierefore?] always [require Hie comlonence?] of authority otherwise it cannot be well executed nor nidood will anyone [baie?] to undertake it.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jordanira
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Last edit about 4 years ago by PurpleGiraffe472
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