(seq. 16)
Therefore Enacts That the Creditor or his Attorney or Assignee may Indorse an Assignment on the back of any Execution altho' lodged in the Marshalls Office and the Marshall is to produce such Execution and --- permit an Assignm.t {Assignment} to be indorsed as the party or his Attorney shall think fit and the Marshall shall thereupon receive a fee of 1S.{shilling} And it shall be lawful for all Creditors, Debtors and others to have free recourse to and inspect all Executions and Assignments thereof lodged in the Marshalls Office wherein
(seq. 18)
surplus arising from the Sale of the said Debters Effects and no unsatisfied Execution at that time appears against him in the Marshalls Office the Marshall is to pay such surplus immediately upon Receipt thereof to such Confined Debter and in either of the aforesaid Cases to cause him to be Discharged out of prison upon being paid his [[?]] And if the Marshall refuses to comply with any of the aforesaid- particulars the Chief Baron or Chief Judge of the Court is to Summon the Marshall and require him to show the Cause of such refusal and if he cannot show good Cause and there shall appear no Executions in the Marshalls Office unsatisfied the said Chief Baron or Chief Judge is immediately to Discharge the Debter out of Custody and to compell the Marshall to declare upon Oath whether he has in his hands any Surplus above what will Discharge the legal [[?]] to him due and if the Marshall has any such surplus due either to a confined or any other Debter the Chief Baron or Chief Judge shall require him to pay the [[?]] to the Debter immediately and in default thereof the Chief Baron or Chief Judge shall forthwith Issue an Execution against the Marshall for what is due with 20 [[?]] thereon.
Power to a Single Judge
Read three Times and past the Council by a Majority and assented to by his Excellency 11th May 1762.}
Read and passed the General Assembly Nomin & Contradiconto this 19th day of January 1762.
N3.. It seems as if it had been read three times in one day, which is very extraordinary and not to have passed without a Division.
(seq. 20)
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