Barbados. Laws, etc. An Act of Assembly of Barbadoes to regulate sales at outcry and the proceedings of persons executing the office of Provost Marshall General of the said island and their under officers, 1763. HLS MS 1046, Harvard Law School Library.


An Act of Assembly of Barbadoes to regulate sales at outcry and the proceedings of persons executing the office of Provost Marshall General of the said island and their under officers (leaf 1) ; A state of some matters relative to the office of Provost Marshall, and to the passing of this bill (leaf 9) ; Observations drawn up by Jonathan Blenman Esq. his Majestys Atty. Gen. in Barbadoes ... on the Act as it had been first brought in 1761 (leaf 13) ; and two leaves laid in ; Power of attorney, granted to Christopher Scandrett, signed by Francis Reynolds and his son Thomas (25 April 1766) ; Petition of Francis Reynolds to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations (1766).


(seq. 11)
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(seq. 11)

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(seq. 12)
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(seq. 12)

Enacts that upon [?] Succession of a Now Acting Marshall all process in the hands of the former Acting Marshall shall be delivered to the Succeeding Marshall to be Executed and if the former Acting Marshall neglects so to do within 2 days after his Successor has [?] upon his Office the Chief Baron or Chief Judge are to Summons such former acting Marshall and compell him forthwith to deliver over such proofs and also to Examine him as to all Omissions or Errors in Returns of Process within 12 Mo.s next before his Office ended and if he has acted contrary to the meaning and Directions of this Act or is faulty in any of therespecto aforesaid or has Contumaciously refused to appear before His Chief Baron or Chief Judges or to deliver over such process as afo.d The Chief Baron or Chief Judges are authorized to Find such former Acting Marshall in any Sum not Exceeding [pound]50 (to be immediately paid to the Treasurer of the Island and applied to the Uses of the Excise Act) and to commit him to the Common Goal till he shall pay such Fine, purge his Contempt and fully Comply with the Directions & Intentions of this Act in the Matter before mentioned - And the Judge is [?] [?] out new Processes where the former is lost or suppressed

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Last edit over 2 years ago by makinghistoryaccessible5
(seq. 13)
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(seq. 13)

Laws are not sufficient

A Fair Purchaser cant be hurt

How dilatory is Justice in that Country -- An Attachment -- the [Phaser?] suspended from the property It is but six months & the Person may see all -- No Concealment In [strikeout] [for?] [/strikeout] [objon] that a single Judge has the [Jurisdon?] -- many [Justices?] where a Jury may is taken away --

Last edit about 4 years ago by remobserve
(seq. 14)
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(seq. 14)

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(seq. 15)
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(seq. 15)

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Last edit about 4 years ago by PurpleGiraffe472
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