Barbados. A collection of autograph letters and original documents relating to the Island of Barbados in the 18th century, ca. 1730-1778. HLS MS 1047, Harvard Law School Library.


A miscellaneous collection of letters and legal documents relating to Barbados, especially prize causes, inheritance and enslaved persons. Contents include an autograph letter, dated 4 June 1778, from James Sheppard to John Brawthwaite referring to the American Revolution.


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(seq. 1)

Barbados 20th Sept 1731

{Sir} This comes via Capt Webster {with} whom comes our good Governour who I heartily wish safe in England.

I now send you inclosed a coppy of the acc't setled with Mr Andrews Att'ney, by {which} you'l perceive he is in the debt £456:15:5 1/4 {which} they have promised to pay me the begining of next year {which} as soon as reced shall be sent you. Cap't: Nesbitt will saile in a few days & then will write you att Large on Andrews affairs for have been pretty much hurryed of late on {account} of the unhappy accident between Major [Masou?] & Col[?] Chearnley who was shot thorough the head by the Major. Mr Somers will tell you how the affair happened. I am with respect to yourself and Madam Hales.

{Sincerely} Your most humble servant Joseph Young

Phillipps MS 21750

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp
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Last edit almost 5 years ago by Telmess
(seq. 3)
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(seq. 3)

Mr. Robert Hales Esq Att Mr. Edwyn Somers Merchant London

& Capt Webster

Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp
(seq. 4)
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(seq. 4)


These are to certify that upon Searching into the Records & proceedings in the Equity Two of His Maty's Court of Exchequer & Please of the Crown in the sd Island I find yt in the year 1717. The Honable Edw. Sitton Esq. Thom Frearer of the sad Island filed a certain English Bill in the Equity side of the sd Court agt Me And soe sassally praying Condemnation ofa a certain Sloop or Vessel called the St. Luce & of certain Sugars & Imported in Her upon Two Acts or Statutes of this Island the one Intiteld an Act for laying an Imposition or Duty on all Sugars, Molasses, Rum Cotton & Ginger Imported this Island [NOTE THERE IS MUCH MORE TO BE TRANSCRIBED].

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Holly Brewer
(seq. 5)
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Last edit almost 5 years ago by Telmess
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 125 in total