Pages That Need Review
Ballantine, John, 1716-1776. Sermon, April 11, 1773. bMS 736/1 (1), Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Harvard Divinity School.
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in the first verse of the context b- admires the Divine Love & Condescension in admitting any of the Race of sinful men into the number of his children. His wonder rises [ ] when he considers that [?] are not only the Sons of God - but shall partake of inconceivable Glory as such lest any should be mistaken , he gives a general character of the Sons of God - or of those, who have a
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(?) grounded Hope that they are such. Every man who hates this hope in him purify him self as He is pure & to the End of the (10th?) verse he brings argument to prove that that is an inseparable mark of a child of God then he lays down an (?) which is Love to the Brethren he speaks of this as an evidence that they had (passed?) (crossed out) (from?) Death to life because they love the Brethren.
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[liven?] [apeth?]. He that lovety not his Brother abidety in Death _+ in the Tenth he days. Whosoever [hatety?] [his?] Brother in a murderer [+?] [he?] know that no murderer [hats?] Eternal life abiding in Him Im speaking from the word, if that shows who is meant by Brothren in the [toth?] 2dly when we may be laid to be in thy changeable with [habing?] our Brother 3dly shows that hatred of our Brother in an Exceeding great [with?] and an
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in the Holy Scriptures on account of their being [?] men. Abraham & Lot are called Bethren or [?] acco [?] Gen. 13-18. They were both descended [from?] the same parents - [?] in scripture are called Brethren on account of their having the same office - [IChrow?] 25-9 - 2 Cor - 8.23 - surely the word in the text is not to be taken in so limited & contracted a sense it is certainly wicked & an awful [diam?] that a person
Boardman, Benjamin, 1731-1802. Sermons, 1769-1797. The Gallant Joab animating his Army in the Defence of the People and Cities of God. bMS 730/1 (2), Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Harvard Divinity School.
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to hearken to their [evil?] [?]. This hurried on a war [?] speedily ; and the Amonites hired Assyrians to join them & carry on a war against David ; and [we?] find them very busy in this Matter, while David & Israel were still, & quiet, Amnon went & hired the Syrians of Beth Rehob ; & the Syrians of Zoba, 20,000 footmen, & of King Maacah a 1.000 Men ; & of Ishtob 12,000 Men ; & prepared for war against Israel ; and all this was done by their Craft, Instigation & Subtility of [Honoured ?] Counsellers, and without any just Provocation from David or the People of Israel. But when David heard of it, finding himself under a necessity to make ready for a just Defence, He directly commissions the Gallant Joab to go forth with an Host of Mighty Men in the De-fence of their Country's Cause against the Ammonites ; and Joab as a faithful Man undertakes, & con-ducts the whole affair, with Valour & Bravery. And what noble Motives, & godlike sentiments fired his Breast, and pushed him forward for the Defence of Israel, & the [?] of God ! And how did he animate his Brother Abishai, and the whole Army with these invincible sentiments ; directing their Minds to the publik welfare & safety of the People ; in [which ?] the Glory of God was deeply Interested, and their Religion at stake. Be of good Courage, says he, as in the Text, & let us play the Men, for what ? for Money ? for Honors ? for Preferment ? No, But for our People, & for these Cities of our God. [Mr?] Henry [Notes?] : That [God?] & our Country was the word. Let us be Valiant from a Principle fo Love to
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Israel, {that} are our People, descended from {the} same stock, in whose Peace we shall have Peace: & from a Principle of Love to G, for {they} are his Cities {that} we are fighting in {the} Defence of." - It may have be noted {that} {the} Amonites were first in Injuring Israel, & {they} were first in raising forces to defend & justify {them}selves in it. It ergo became a Duty for Israel to defend {their} People, {the} [chh's] of {God}; {their} Religion, {their} precious & valuable Constitution, {their} Lives, Families, {their} Children, {their} Estates, {their} Property, {their} All. - And viewing {their} Cause as just, {they} resolved to defend it, at All Events, Sword in Hand, to {the} utmost of {their} Ability; and in {the} Way of Duty, piously to [leave?] {the} Event with God: The Lord do {that} {which} seemeth him Good. - From all {which} we may gather this general Truth: Viz. That {the} Case may be so circumstanced with a People; as to be an incumbent Duty for {them} to rise up, and Unite in {the} Defence of {their} Country, & Religion, Sword in Hand, trusting in {God} to succeed & prosper {them}. Here Note a few Things. As I. When {the} Case may call a People to such a Defence as is here spoken of. II. The Principles & Motives {that} should engage {them} in such an Alarming Duty III. How {God} is to be relied on, for success, or the Manner of leaving {the} Issue, & Event with {God}.
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(4) Be of good Courage, & let us play {the} Men for our People & for {the} Cities of our {God}: & {the} Lord do {that} {which} seemeth him Good. I. Then consider when it becomes a Duty for a People to rise up & defend {their} Country & Religion Sword in Hand. - And have let it suffice to mention in two Instances only, and {that} somewhat briefly. As - I. When a {Christian} Country is invaded by an Antechristian Nation or Enemy. - This has been the Case repeatedly in this Land; & {the} People of {God} have been called to Arms for {the} Defence of {their} Country, and {the} Lord has wonderfully succeeded {them} in many & repeated woes. - The great {God} has never yet suffered his Heritage in this Land to be laid waste, neither has it been given up to {the} Reproach of its Enemies, tho often attacked by {them}. And when {they} have roared {against} it, with a Blood thirsty fury, and laboured to rase it, to rase it, to {the} very foundation, by executing {their} deep laid Schemes {against} us, yet {the} Lord has evermore given us a Spirit of Valour, and Engagedness to defend these Cities of our {God}; & has always put our foes to shame. War is a calamity to be dreaded by all, & is ever to be viewed as a sore {Judgment} of {Heaven}, yet nevertheless when it cant be avoided by any just Measures, People must cheerfully engage in it, & fight {the} Battles of {the} Lord, defend his {Religion} & {the} Honor of his Name.
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(5) But this is a plain Case, Mankind are well agreed in it, and when {the} Case calls to it {they} rise as one, and play {the} Men in {their} Countries Cause. - I ergo pass to say 2. That it is {the} Duty of a People to defend {them}selves {against} {the} Invasions of Tyranny, and Oppression, & when it can't be done with out, to resist even to Blood. - This at once calls up to view the melancholly State of {God's} People in this Land: we now see {the} Day, {the} melancholly Day, wherein we are called to look Tyranny with all its Terrors in the face. - This will put our Virtue upon Tryal, & bring our Valour & Firmness to the test. - Should Tyranny prevail, & make its inroads upon us; & should it be permitted to erect its execrable Banner in this Land of Liberty & Freedom; soon must we all, who have long stood in {the} Liberty wherewith X has made us free, yield up all to its insatiable Demands. - We must all bow to the Image, and bring an Offering of our Lands, Liberties, Properties, Privileges, Families, our {Religion}, our Lives, our all as to this [O], & cast {them} down at {the} feet of Despotism, as a Tribute of Submission; and Vassalage. - Who would not play {the} Man, who would not shew himself Valiant, & be couragious to defend his People, his Family, his Liberty, and dear Privileges {against} such Tyranny as
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(6) this? Who would not resist event to Blood in such a Case? Methinks not a Man that has a rational Soul; or a spark of Humanity, or Benevolence remaining in his Breast. - That Soul must be degraded & sunk beneath all Love to Mankind that can espouse {the} Cause of Tyranny, and engage on {the} Side of Despotism; {that} can take part with those {that} would enslave {their} Country, & join in Confederacy with Relish Sons. O my Soul come not thou into {their} Secret, for {they} are to be abhorred in {the} Sight of all Men, mine Honor be not thou united to {them}, for in {their} self will {they} would enslave {their} Country, & in {their} wrath deprive {the} People of {their} just Rights & Liberties: Wherefore cursed be {their} Anger for it is fierce; & {their} Wrath, for it is cruel. - May {the} Wheel be brought over all such, and {they} be divided in {their} Counsels, and scattered in all {their} Evil Projections, be confounded, & broken to Pieces. We have a most Valuable Interest in this Land to defend; our Privileges are truly great, {they} are well worth fighting for, if {they} cant be retained without. And as our Privileges are now Attacked, and invaded by a despotick Administration of {the} British Parliament, so {the} People are justly alarmed, and it becomes us all to play {the} Men, to unite in {the} Common Cause, to be couragious, & valiant for {the} Defence of the People, & for {the} Cities, [children?], of our God.
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It certainly stands us all in hand at this Day to unite in {the} Common Causes of our Lord; {that} we now ward off the forces of Tyranny, and yield not to its merciless Threats; ergo be of Good Courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly; for {there} is no Doubt our Case is just. Ergo II. Consider {the} Principles & Motives {that} should engage us in such an alarming Duty. Now {that} we may take up this Matter properly, let a few Things be observed briefly. As I. One Principle {that} we should act upon is a Love for {the} publick Good to our Country in general. It has evermore been received among {the} first Virtues of {the} human Mind, {that} a Man have a Love for his Country. He {that} will betray, he {that} will sell his Country, has a very [bose?] , ignoble Soul; such an one has a very mean, dastardly Spirit; & deserves to be thrust out of all human Society; and to be turned out into {the} open field to herd with {the} Cattle: And, as was {the} Case with Nebuchadnezzor, be driven from Men & made to eat Grass as Oxen; till {the} Bodies are wet with {the} Dew of Heaven, & {their} Hairs grow like Eagles Feathers, & {their} nails like Birds Claws: {there} {they} will appear in {their} true Charactor, & form. A regard for ones country is a Noble Virtue, {there} is Humanity in it, it contains in it