(seq. 3)



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Cambridge {North} west {Precinct} {February} 19 1772

To {Deacon} Joseph Adams
Treasurer of {Said} {precinct}

These may Ceartifie that we have
Assessed the poles and Rateable Estate
of {Said} precinct to the amount of Ninty
two pounds three shillings and Commuted a List of the
Same unto Mr Joseph Belknap {junior}, Colector of
{Said} precinct for the year 1771 and have
ordered him to pay in to you or your Successor
in {said} office the {said} Sum on or Before the
Eleventh Day of July Next.

{Nehamah} Cutter
{Ebenezer} Swan
{Walter} Russell } Assessors of {Said} {precinct}for the year 1771

Notes and Questions

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Could that figure that I think is a P or J be "Sd" as in "Said" like Treasurer of Said Precint?