(seq. 3)



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Cambridge {North West} Precint February ye 4th 1766

To Mr. Joseph Adams Treasurer of {said} {precinct}

These are to Certifie that we the Subscribers
have Assessed the Ratille Poles and Estats
in {said} {Precinct} the Sum of Seventy Eight Pounds
and have Deliverd a List of {said} Assessment
unto Mr Ephraim Cooke Collecter of {said} {Precinct}
for the year 1765 to Collect and pay in {said}
Sum to assessed to you or to your Sucessers
in {said} office at or before the first Day
of July Next.

Seth Reed

Joseph Adams {junior}
Daniel Brown
Seth Reed} {assessors} for said {Precinct}

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sd shortcut for said; prec t (precint)