(seq. 27)



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we cannot, unless we are degraded below all
Principles of Humanity. Perhaps the Cause
of America never called for the Exertion of
so much Wisdom, Valour, Faithfulness, &
firm Union before. Our Cause is good,
and it is a most valuable Interest that we
have to defend; 'tis the Cause of G, his Honor
is much connected with it: tis the Cause of Gs
People & Heritage; let us ergo engage the
Lord on our Side; let us cry mightily to
him in this Day of our Trouble; and in his
Name let us do Valiantly. Let all see to it
that nothing be wanting on our part; let us
act conscientiously in the Affair, commit our
Cause to him that judgeth righteously, and
resolve to live & die with the People, and
Cities of our God. Finally let us be
much in Prayer to God, that he would make
bare his Arm for us; that he would bring
to Confusion all the Evil Designs, & pro-
jections of a corrupt despotick Ministry
agt us: that he would bring the wheel over
them; that he would deliver us from their Irons,
& eternally disappoint them in all their At-
tempts to enslave us. Let us look to G that
Wisdom & Knowledge may be the Stability of
our Times; and that he would graciously appoint
Salvn for Walls & Bulwarks round about us:
hasten the Time when all our Officers shall be
Peace & our Exactors Rights. And that our

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