(seq. 26)
important an Affair, and a Cause of such
general & great Concern. Further
5. Consider that there is much for us to do, tho
at the same Time all Success depends on G.
We can never suitably look to G for Help,
& Protection; we can never suitably rely
on G for Defence, but in the Way of doing
all in our Power for our own Safety, &
Preservation. 'Tis bold & daring pre-
sumption to expect that G will help and
Deliver us, while we ourselves sit still, &
do nothing. We must ergo be of good
Courage, and resolve in the Strength of our
God, never to yield, & give up those just
Rights, Liberties, & Privileges, into the
Hands of Tyranny, which our G hath
given us to improve to his Glory, &
Honour. Wherefore let all consider
6. That G, & our Country now call upon
us to exert our best Wisdom, Skill, &
Ability we have for the Safety of our
People, & Cities of our God. Can we
hear G, & our Country call; can we hear
our People, & the Chhs of our God cry
aloud for Help & Assistance to protect
& defend from the Barbarous Inroads
of Tyranny & Oppression; can we hear
Posterity groan under the Burdens of
Despotism, and not feel for them? Surely
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