(seq. 25)



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corrupt & Arbitrary Ministry, who seem to
be firmly resolved to make their own Arbitrary
Measures, & not the Constitution, the Rule of
Administration. If we tamely submit to
this, we are an Undone People. And have
no Security, no safeguard to our Persons, Lives,
Families, Estates, Religion, or any thing that we
enjoy. How virtuously, firmly, & wisely [then?]
should we all unite to defend, & save ourselves
& Land from so great & dreadful Ruin. The
great Thing we should all aim at, for the Glory
of G, & the Good of his People, is Union, Firm-
ness & Faithfulness among ourselves. Ergo

4. Let all consider the great Obligations you
are under to defend the righteous Cause of your
Country. 'Tis a Duty we owe to G, to our-
selves, & one another. 'Tis a Duty we owe to
our Families, to the Chhs of our L.J.X. & to
future Generation; and we may justly be
called a stupid Generations, a selfish people,
if we have not Virtue enough to engage
in so important a Cause. Our Virtue is
now put to the Test; play the Man, and live
free; or tamely come under the yoke of Despotism,
and crouch down under the Burdens of Tyran-
nt, & Apprehension. Let our very Souls ab-
hor the Thought of the latter; and for the former,
let us resolve in the Name of the G of Israel,
that we will do valiantly, that we will unite
wisely, prudently, and firmly, & play the Men,
that we will be faithful to each other, in so

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