(seq. 24)
British Court, to the [?] of the
Nation, [there?] we see pictured out one of the
great Evils that Solomon complains of under
the Sun: [Luke?] 3.16. And moreover, I saw un-
der the Sun the Place of Judgt, that wickedness
was gone; and the Place of Rights that Ini-quity was gone. And wo to [them?], O Lord, when
thy King is a Child, & thy Princes eat in the
Morning: Luke: 10: 16. This brings on the
People heavy Apprehension: Isaiah: 3. 4. And
I will give Children to be your Princes, & Babes
shall rule over you; and your People shall
be oppressed, every one by another, & every-
one by his Neighbour &c. We now see
the melancholy Day, wherein the Foundations
of the Earth are all out of Course, & the Inhabi-
tants of the Earth in a dissolved broken state;
And if the Foundations be destroyed what can
the righteous Do? We have reason to fear
the Destruction of the whole Nation; for we read
in the Book of divine Truth: Mat: 12.25.
That every Kingdom divided agt itself, is
brought to Desolation: And every City, or
House divided agt itself, shall not stand.
3. Note, That it highly concerns the People to
cultivate a Nobleness of Virtue, a Spirit
of Resolution & [?] to maintain their
just Rights, & Liberties, agt the horrid Inva-
sions of Tyranny & Despotism. There is
no Doubt the just Rights, the valuable Li-
berties of the Peope in these American States Colo-
nies are now wickedly Attacked by a very
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