(seq. 23)



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dence are very dark and threatening. And it
becomes us to be deeply humble before our G, who
is correcting of us in a very singular Manner
for our Sins. Let not our Hearts be haughty,
nor our Eyes lofty in this Day of our Visitation;
let us sigh & mourn for the Iniquities, & Abomi-
nations that are to be found among us. 'Tis a Day
that calls for Consideration; it should be a Day of
Recollection; & calling to Remembrance; it now
becomes all to search & try your Ways & turn
agn to the Lord; and as Judgt is now begun at
the House of God, so let all wisely consider, that
G calls us to amend our Ways & our Doings. Let
us all hear his Voice to Day, & no longer har-
den our Hearts. O that we all had the Spirit
of Isaiah, [?] should we weep bitterly, because
of the Spoiling of the Daughter of Gs People, for it
is a Day of Trouble, & of Treading down, & of
Perplexity by the Lord G of Hosts in the Valey of
Vision. Isa: 22.4.5. O let the Priests, the
Miisters of the Lord, weep between the Porch &
the Altar, & let you say, spare thy People,
O Lord, & give not thine Heritage to Reproach,
As in Joel: 2.17.

2. Agn let it be noted
That the State of the British Nation is in a most
critical Situation. It may be said
of it as once it was with the Kingdom of Isaiah,
The Whole Head is sick: this makes the Heart
faint: Isa: 1.5. When the Head is out of
Order, the whole Body is affected: this is equ-
ally true in the political Body, as in the
natural. And if we turn our Eyes to the

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