(seq. 22)
At the same Time we are not to imagine that
our Valour or Bravery binds us to succeed &
prosper us, but that still he may do as it pleas-
eth him, yet it gives us good Ground to hope
for his Salvn; & that he will graciously work
Deliverance for us; that he will defend, & pro
tect his Heritage; & will not give it up to
Reproach; that he will bring the Wheel over
the Tyrant, and scatter all the [?] that
devise Evil agt his People, and confound
you in yr Unrighteous ways. Having such
a God to trust in, and look to, let us in his
Name set up our Banners, and in his Name
may we do valiantly. May we seek Counsel
& Wisdom of him, & look to his Throne for
Protection. 'Tis for our People that G calls
us to exert ourselves; tis for our Families; for
our just Rights, Liberties, & Privileges; 'tis
for our Religion; for the Chhs of our God, for the
Gospel, and all that is dear to us in this [pictograph for world? life?]!
Let nothing be wanting in us to defend these
most valuable Enjoyments; let us take Cour-
age, let us animate ourselves, & one another
in so noble a Cause; let us be faithful to
G. & to our Country, and spend our Blood
& Treasure in the Defence of so glorious a Cause.
I. Note, That it is a very trying Day with the
People of G in this Land. 'Tis a Day of Re-
buke & Trouble; the Aspects of divine Provi
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