(seq. 21)
Goliath falls, & David prevails. So Joab &
the Army under his Command, played the Men,
and their Enemies fled before them, for G gave success.
3. Another Consideration that must come up to
view in this Matter is that our Cause be just
& righteous. We cant stand before God
in an Evil Thing; neither can we appeal
to G for Success in an Unrighteous Cause.
Hence it is very plain that Mankind should
walk in righteous ways, trusting in God to
preference them; for the Righteous Lord loveth
Rights, his Countenance doth behold the Up-
right: But his Soul hateth the wicked, & him
that loveth Violence. Psal: 7.5.&c. Now
to apply this: We, I trust, may be assured that the
Cause we are engaged in is a just & righteous
Cause; we are pleading for our just Rights &
Privileges, and are in Duty bound to defend
them agt the high, despotick Claims of Tyranny:
we are engaged in a righteous Cause, tis for
our People, for the Cities of our God; tis that the
Heritage of the Lord might not be oppressed;
'tis that we might stand fast in the Liberty
wherewith X both made us free; & cursed
shall we be if we do the work of the Lord
deceitfully; and cursed be he that keepeth
back his Sword from Blood, when the Cause
of God calls. As in Jerem 48.10.
4. When we make Conscience of doing our
Duty, & go on cheerfully therein we may with
the greatest satisfaction, leave the Event with God.
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