(seq. 2)
(1) [flourish] {Arise, O Lord, disappoint him; Psal: {cast him down: deliver my 17.13 {Soul from the wicked, which [flourish] { is thy Sword. [flourish] The Psalmist set Ye {the} Lord always before him: and because G {God} was at his Right Hand, he should not be moved. Ps: 16.8. This Good Man, a Man after Gd [God] own Heart, was from Time to Time beset, compassed about, & greatly troubled with Enemies; so yt {that} we see Grace dont secure Man from Enemies; but yn {then} entitles to ye {the} honour of G {God}. and ye {the} most High pleads yr [their} Case, & yy {?} yt {that} trust in him shall not be confounded. This Psalm in wh {which} ye {the} text is, we may observe is a Prayer of ye {the} Psalmist in ye {the} Day of Distress & trouble from ye {the} hand of his Enemies; and it was an undissembled Prayer, it did not go out of feigned Lips. He looked to the great G {God} to keep him as ye {the} apple of his Eye; & to hide him under the
(seq. 3)
(2) Shadow of his wings; from ye {the} wicked yt {that oppressed him, from his deadly Enemies, yt {that} compassed him about, with all of [?] & [?] of Lyons & as a young Lyon lurking in secret places. He looks to ye {the} great G {God} to arise, Disap -point, & cast down his Enemies, & deliver him from such wicked unright teous Oppressors, wh {which} is Gd {God} [flourish] I. Tis ye {the} Duty of Gd {God} {ep[;e tp [rau fpr the casting Down of Oppressors.
(seq. 4)
??? who how ?? much opportunity to ??? the word of G as People how in this land should be ignorarnt of ? ??? contained in and ???, and the mary
(seq. 5)
O Lord, disoppoint him, ??? him dowry the Meaning