Boardman, Benjamin, 1731-1802. Sermons, 1769-1797. Disappoint the Oppressor, which is thy Sword. bMS 730/1 (4), Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Harvard Divinity School.

Benjamin Boardman (1731-1802) was born at Glastonbury, Connecticut to Edward and Dorothy (Smith) Boardman. He graduated from Yale College in 1758 and was tutor there in 1760. In 1762 he was settled as pastor in Middle Haddam, Connecticut and remained there until 1783. He married Ann (Johnson), widow of Stephen Hosmer, Jr. Boardman served as a chaplain in the Revolutionary War. He was with Captain Comfort Sage’s Troop of Horse from Middletown at the Lexington alarm, and was present at the Boston siege, 1775. He was chaplain of Colonel Durkee’s Connecticut regiment in Washington’s army in 1776. He was installed as the pastor of the Second Church of Christ in Hartford, Connecticut in 1784. He remained pastor of this church until his death in 1802. (from The History of the Second Church of Christ in Hartford, by Edwin Pond Parker.)


(seq. 1)
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(seq. 1)

Disappoint the Operssor, which is thy sword.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Shahira
(seq. 2)
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(seq. 2)

(1) [flourish] {Arise, O Lord, disappoint him; Psal: {cast him down: deliver my 17.13 {Soul from the wicked, which [flourish] { is thy Sword. [flourish] The Psalmist set Ye {the} Lord always before him: and because G {God} was at his Right Hand, he should not be moved. Ps: 16.8. This Good Man, a Man after Gd [God] own Heart, was from Time to Time beset, compassed about, & greatly troubled with Enemies; so yt {that} we see Grace dont secure Man from Enemies; but yn {then} entitles to ye {the} honour of G {God}. and ye {the} most High pleads yr [their} Case, & yy {?} yt {that} trust in him shall not be confounded. This Psalm in wh {which} ye {the} text is, we may observe is a Prayer of ye {the} Psalmist in ye {the} Day of Distress & trouble from ye {the} hand of his Enemies; and it was an undissembled Prayer, it did not go out of feigned Lips. He looked to the great G {God} to keep him as ye {the} apple of his Eye; & to hide him under the

Last edit over 2 years ago by Jerrie Hinchman
(seq. 3)
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(seq. 3)

(2) Shadow of his wings; from ye {the} wicked yt {that oppressed him, from his deadly Enemies, yt {that} compassed him about, with all of [?] & [?] of Lyons & as a young Lyon lurking in secret places. He looks to ye {the} great G {God} to arise, Disap -point, & cast down his Enemies, & deliver him from such wicked unright teous Oppressors, wh {which} is Gd {God} [flourish] I. Tis ye {the} Duty of Gd {God} {ep[;e tp [rau fpr the casting Down of Oppressors.

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Last edit over 2 years ago by Jerrie Hinchman
(seq. 4)
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(seq. 4)

??? who how ?? much opportunity to ??? the word of G as People how in this land should be ignorarnt of ? ??? contained in and ???, and the mary

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Last edit about 1 month ago by KaYi1ng
(seq. 5)
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(seq. 5)

O Lord, disoppoint him, ??? him dowry the Meaning

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Last edit about 1 month ago by KaYi1ng
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