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Rev. J. Ballantine, [illegible] Apr 11 - 1773 [written vertically on the right side of the page]
1 John.3.15. Whoever hateth his Brother is a murderer and we know that no murde rer hath Eternal Life abiding in Him.
As there is an essential Difference between good & evil, it is fit & reasona ble that we should be differently affected toward them- agreably the antaeus of nature hath induced us with the Dif ferent affections of Love & Hatred, as Love is fitly and properly exercisd on some objects. so Hatred is fitly and properly
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exercisd on others - as it is sinful not to love that wc is morally good _ so it is sinful not to hate that wc is morally evil moral Evil is an object of Gods Hatred & ought to be of ours.
The affections of Love & Hatred are thro the vituosity & Depravity of our nature, [illegible] on wrong Ojbects. We mistake the nature of things & love what we ought to hate & hate what we ought to love. God hath prescribed Rules for the governing our
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affection [?old] now which they are to be fix'd, [?] them train bounty. [?] were t?] exercise, [44?] we'd appear beautiful - [?] our irregular Exercise of our [crossed out ?] causes them to appear as Spot & Blemishes of the Human nature - If the author of nature in
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in the first verse of the context b- admires the Divine Love & Condescension in admitting any of the Race of sinful men into the number of his children. His wonder rises [ ] when he considers that [?] are not only the Sons of God - but shall partake of inconceivable Glory as such lest any should be mistaken , he gives a general character of the Sons of God - or of those, who have a
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(?) grounded Hope that they are such. Every man who hates this hope in him purify him self as He is pure & to the End of the (10th?) verse he brings argument to prove that that is an inseparable mark of a child of God then he lays down an (?) which is Love to the Brethren he speaks of this as an evidence that they had (passed?) (crossed out) (from?) Death to life because they love the Brethren.