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#751 Superior Cleveland Monday 1,,'15,

My dear sister:

Your letter received this a.m. and was very glad, indeed, to hear from you, but judging from it, you had not rec'd my last letter saying I had not heard of Chas' death until many days after he was dead and buried.

When I got your telegram, it was too late to do any thing that you spoke of and I was so shocked and hurt by not knowing of it that I did not even send a letter of condolance or flowers and I have not been over yet, for Ma and, [Archie's?], have got them all down on me, and, of course,

Last edit 8 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage
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the telegram I read about his days after it was sent. I got a postal from the Western Union. They or you had it directed to 134 Prospect St. instead of 134 Chestnut. Is it any wonder I don't get my mail? You are perfectly welcome to come here and investigate if you so desire. The reason I am boarding here now is because the lady on Chestnut moved away to Glenville and Mrs. Gillette and I could not go way out there. Oh! I am not such a dispirate, [disparate], character as you and the rest of my folks are trying to make me. If you want to know it, I believe Chas was sick 9 or 10 days only.

Last edit 8 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage
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you having a cough doctor for it and get well for mercy sake. One in the family is enough.

I see my dear Chas every day and I love him, and it has always been him I love. How would you like for us to come to see you in a couple of wks, [weeks]?

I don't suppose, though, that you would welcome us? The weather here is as warm as August again. [illegible] He has gave me three solitare diamond rings. Each are nearly the size of a pea and one turquoise surrounded by 13 chips diamonds.

Well I must close but, hope to hear from you.

Last edit 8 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage
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often and quit working so hard, [mind?], and get your rest. I will now say bye bye.

Your sister,

Janice Lind

#727 Superior

Jan 8 [illegible]

[They] don't now care for me at the same time. I am grieved more than any one will ever know.

Think of Ma or, Archie's, not leting, [letting], me know. I never will forgive them, never. I heard, [illegible], Luz has "nervous prostration." I'm so sorry to hear of Frank's death, the poor bride. No, I have not yet been to see any doctor.

I am grieved, awfully, to hear of

Last edit 7 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage
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