Letter 2020.102.115





Escondido, Cal. Oct 27th

Dear Mrs. Graudy:

Your card rec'd Glad "Daddy" reached home safely and glad he enjoyed his visit as we were glad to have him. I hope he either saw something he liked down this way or was thoroughly disgusted, but would much rather have had him found something he liked. I told Mama I didn't think he saw anything he liked but his meals and I think he was starved to them. Ha! Ha! The Mauske Place we went out to see seemed just the thing to all of us, for you folk, but perhaps didn't appeal to him. I stopped in to see Mr. Burrell, the real estate man, who has the renting of it and he wasn't in. If you folks don't want it, think I know some other friends who may. Mama says she wishes we had tried to get it instead of here, but we have quite a

Last edit 10 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage


comfortable place here. Yes indeed, we would be glad to get a box of apples if it doesn't cost too much & send them. We had quite a few out on the ranch but ate those up baked, stewed etc. Have only a few left and have made very little apple jam, as yet.

Mama got home the Saturday night after Mr. Grandy left. She is waiting for another case now. Don and Janet are both teething and awfully cross. Janet is in her high chair fussing now and Don is pulling at my skirt's fretting so you see how easy it is to write, but I have thought everyday I would get at this and today, I decided I would write.

Wish you would rescue me about 25 or 50 lbs of your second grade nuts. I haven't the cash just now, but will have I hope in a week or two and want some nuts for this winter. I haven't heard from my exams and

Last edit 10 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage


Am looking everyday for some word, hoping that, by the time Jan. 1st rolls around, I'll be teaching the "joyiners," but it will be a surprise if I passed even though I do hope so. Janet has Paul by the hair and my (?) but she is tickled! She has two more teeth coming and I guess feels awfully cross.

Giles is figuring on a big building. Don't think will get it and hope he wont. He may get & supt. in the job and that would be much safer and I believe just as profitable, in the end. If "Daddy" were only here, he could find plenty of work I'm sure. Giles works Sundays and all the week too.

Well, I must close now and take care of the kids. Love to one and all from all. Kiss Alice, Helen and Jac for Jessie and Janet.

Excuse this paper, but I just appropriated Paul's tablet while he wask milking.

Last edit 10 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage
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