Beautiful day - cold
Sunday, January 1, 1899 /
At 5:00 AM Mame and I up after seei'g the old year go out at midnight. At depot and at 8:00 AM Mrs Ida Case came and we went home and had breakfast. At home all day as it was too cold to ride out. At office working
Holiday Monday, January 2, 1899
At Dr Wests office 10-11 AM and he made test to my great relief as [I am?] at office all the afternoon. and hard at work on bankruptcy matters.
Tuesday, January 3, 1899
at office 9 AM Mama and Ida came and stayed while I went up town and coll'd rents and had to get a buyer for Rourke survey lots Same thing in afternoon.
Wednesday, January 4, 1899 /
Hard at work all day
Thursday, January 45 1899 /
Heavy Rain all day and [ ? ] cold. At office all day