



Status: Page Status Incomplete

23/16/ [Began ?] / 12 [degree symbol]
Call on [?] Ann [R?] came
at about [?] PM
Monday, January 25, 1897 22 [degree symbol]
Up 8 am and at office
at 930 am and Emma
came and I gave
her [?] [in] No. 31 and
[?] No. 10. Worked on my
[couch?] in [?] [till] 1 pm
and then to PO read 6
and home [and?] [near?]
[?] then I [?]
[and?] June and I [went?]
[&?] [and?] [?] [?] at 2 PM
held [the?] [?] and [?]
[to my?] office and
ordered 2 tons coal. (2d
time I ordered it today)
In my office [?]
at 345 began [?] 3
and finished 16 pp. and "gns"
and [recorded?] it at [?] [?]
620. [?] [?] [&?] [?] came at
630 and [McA?] and [June?] walked
home in the buggy. I went [?] PO. Supper [and?]
[?] [Big? 8-9?] office till 1100
[Along right hand side] Home and [in bed?] [12? pm]

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