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#17 [illegible] #12 [Ice] [Cold?] [night] [slush] and [rain] 10:30 pm
30 Monday, January 18, 1897 50
up 7 am [finding?]
[lines?] [out] and office
9 am and at [home]
began work on [Ross's?]
[books] [organized]
kept [illegible] until
1 pm and [then to]
PO and found No.
12. Clerks office then
Loyd's and home
to [dinner?] [and]
back to my office
and hard at work
all the afternoon
[then?] and at [Ross's?]
office and at my
office till nearly 2 pm
and then to supper
after supper at [Auguest's]
8-9. Then office and
there till 12. and [I am?]
[having?] supper to PO and
home and to bed 1 am
[illegible] [illegible] stand all night.
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