


Status: Complete

Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 15, 1906

To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
Of Fort Worth.


The Fort Worth Market Company, a corporation, begs to state
that it is ready and willing to carry into effect the original
proposition made by it and accepted by the City, as shown by the
records of the City Secretary; or, if the Council feels that it
is not ready or willing at this time to carry out its part of the agree-
ment as heretofore made, then the Market House Company, thru its officers
and board of directors, makes this additional or supplemental offer:

If the City of Fort Worth will, first, purchase sufficient ground,
approximately 125 by 250 feet, adjoining the property now owned by the
Market House Company, on the corner of Belknap and Houston Streets, in
Fort Worth, Texas, and make it a free public square:

Second, pass suitable ordinances prohibiting the peddling, and
delivering, within the city limits of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and
other perishable products, on the streets of Fort Worth Texas, from 12
Midnight until 9:30 A. M. each day, but giving the right to anyone who
has or may establish a regular place of business to sell, from such
place of business, such products , between the hours of 12 Midnight, and
and 9:30 A. M., provided, however, same has been properly inspected,
but after 9:30 A. M. and until Midnight all persons may have the
right to sell and deliver on the streets of Fort Worth, Texas, within the
City limits, any and all of such products, provided, however, same has
been properly inspected.

Third, pass an ordinance, requiring a payment from all persons in
vehicles, utilizing the space around the Market House, for the purpose
of selling products from wagons or otherwise, all such payments to go to
the city of Fort Worth, Texas.

Fourth, Appoint a competent inspector, whose duties it shall be to
inspect all products, before being bought and sold, and issuing a certi-
ficate, on same, expiring at 12 Midnight of the same day. Inspector to
be paid by the city of Fort Worth Texas.

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