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To the Honorable Mayor & City Council of Ft. Worth, Tex.

We, the undersigned citizens of Fort Worth and Tarrant County,
do most earnestly petition your honorable body to not pass or accept
the proposed Retail Market House proposition as submitted at the last
meeting of the City Council for the following reasons:

First, because we believe there is no demand for a Retail
Market House by the people of this city or county and that the citizens
generally are well satisfied with the present mode and system of handling
such products as would be handled by said Market House.

Second, because we believe the proposed location of said Market
House is not such as would be accessible to the majority of the citizens
of the city and county.

Third, because we believe that such a Market House would work a
hardship on the Truck Grower, Farmer, and Wholesale and Retail Merchants
who deal in fruits, vegetables, etc.

Fourth, because we believe that the proposition,as it now exists,
is not explicit enough and is a dangerous one for the City and Citizens.

Fifth, because we believe that before the Council passes or
accepts this proposition, it should be submitted to a vote of the people
under the referendum.

Ropke and Hamman J. R. McNeely
R. C. Lewis W. P. Boyd
Henry King J. Jeffries
J. W. Gallagher L. R. Buchanan
J. A. Dunway
Frank M. Pressley Rev. E. Keith
Charles Pattison
B. B. Mosely [???] Metterson Co
R. W. Bailey Wm Shmidt
S. C. Jackson
H. Tanner & Son Frank A. Davis
J. W. [Ecx..?] Walter Schierne

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